why is all this happening?

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Diana's POV

I layed on the bed staring at my baby as she slept, I couldn't sleep, my mind is just far away, I can't think straight, everything was just going fine, I was ready and prepared for this life but then this obstacle came along, then out of nowhere a cop comes and rescue me and my baby, not only that, he came back helped me all along the days I stayed at the hospital and now I'm here in his house because I was robbed and the destroyed my house, I swear if I knew that person I'll beat the shit out of him, like what the Fuck is wrong with you? Can't you just take what you went there for and leave the house how you saw it?, I shook my head in frustration, my life is getting complicated every day by day, Elijah is a blessing for sure and I'm grateful for what he's doing for us, seeing someone act like this feels different, where I grew up, you mind you're business, if someone is needy they'll laugh at you, they all are selfish and very competitive, they'll do anything to have their families name on the highlight, that's what actually happened to me, I was a disgrace to my family, they didn't want me to spoil and shame the family's name so as they heard I became pregnant they disowned me, my ex soon as he heard I was pregnant he turned the pregnancy down, he doesn't have much money, we could have planned it all out but he refused, he even said that my baby wasn't his child, the hurt that I felt was unbearable, never would have thought that the people that I called family and boyfriend would disown me because of a baby. I never regretted living my old life behind and keeping my baby, she's my everything now, she's the strength that I need and I'll do whatever it takes to keep a smile on my baby's face.

I heard a soft knock, I raised my head and saw Elijah staring at us, he crosses his arms resting his body on the door frame,
"Is everything ok?" He asked, I frowned still looking at him,
"I'm... yes why?" I said now shifting to a sitting position,
"Because you have tears in your eyes, why are you crying?" He said coming closer to the bed, I frowned still then touched my face, it was indeed wet, I quickly wiped my face with my hands and laughed it off,
" Oh um nothing I was just thinking of something"I said, he stared at me without saying anything searching my face to see if I was lying, I averted my eyes because his stare was becoming uncomfortable to me,
" So...Is the food ready?" I said awkwardly, he snapped his eyes to my eyes again,
"What?... Oh... umm yeah it is, you want to come and eat?" I raised a brow at him As he stuttered,
"Yeah I'm coming" I said, he nodded quickly then left the room. I didn't understand what just happened but I'll just let it go.

If I said his food was not good and it tasted horrible just know i'm lying,
"You're really good at cooking and this food is delicious!" he stopped eating as i said that, he had a wild smile on him, he looked satisfied with what i said and he looked like he achieved something,
"Really you like it?" I smiled and nodded my head, he kept his smile as he ate,
"Who thought you how to cook?" I asked trying to make conversation, he raised his head then said,
" my mother, she's a really good cook took that from my grandma, I never really liked cooking but then one day I thought, if I was on my own who is going to cook for me am I going to always spend money on take away or other things?, from that day I was always in the kitchen being a man at work, other guys will probably laugh in my face but that's one good charm men need to have and use it with their women they'll definitely not regret it later" he said laughing at the end, his laughter was so beautiful to the ears and contagious, I was surprised at what he just said, I wish other men had that thought and mentality within them,
" That is the most intelligent and logical thing a man could think of and trust me with what you learnt you'll definitely have a woman wrapped on your pinky finger!" I said laughing, he joined too, I wish I could hear this sound on my dark days. I sighed and kept eating while feeding my baby.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

we kept talking about ourselves and everything in general he told me he has a big brother and he was married, his parents are caring and loving, they always do this get together on Sundays to catch up with them selves and he has a best friend who has a wife and child they go to the get together with him, the way he smiled when talking about them made me think of mine, I thought I would wish I had that type of relationship with my parents but let's face the reality it never happened and it's not happening like ever, they showed me what there we capable of and I'm so done with all of them being fake, I would never regret living them cause now I have a responsibility and I look at my life in a whole different way and I'm going to be strong through..., I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Elijah calling me and my baby crying,
" Oh umm sorry! I was just thinking of something, so you were saying!?" I said trying to continue our conversation,
"Diana you said the exact same thing earlier and you look like you're about to cry, I think you should go rest cause your stressed, I don't know what you're going through but just know that I'm here to help" he said, I wiped my tears which wouldn't stop, I'm trying to be strong but I feel like nothing is really working out for me without it being ruined and destroyed and I feel like I'm such a big mess that's why everyone rejected me.
I agreed not saying anything because it's useless, I got up and gave him Amelia then went to the guest room, I layed on the bed and before you know it I was sleeping.

Elijah's POV

I finished to feed Amelia and walked around to make her sleep.
I heard soft snores, I looked at Amelia and she was knocked out, I laughed at this, she is so precious and small, I kissed her forehead and went to the guest room, without doubt I knew Diana was knocked out too, I sighed still frustrated, I placed Amelia beside her mother putting pillows by her side for safety, I covered them both with the blanket that was close to the bed, I walked out of the room and closed the door. I went to my room took of my clothes and layed in bed, I took my phone and called Jacob, he picked at the third ring,

Jacob: hey man what's up?
Elijah: I'm good were are you at?
Jacob: I'm in my office working what do you think I'll be doing today?(He kissed his teeth)
Elijah: why are you having an attitude? (I asked knowing the answer already)
Jacob: I'm doing your fucking work bitch!, I'm tired because of the extra work and who's fault is that huh?
Elijah: aww c'mon what are we best friend for? If I was the one I would never complain!
Jacob: shut the Fuck up! If I see you I swear Elijah Kennedy I'll poison you.
Elijah: hahaha yeah right then you won't have a best friend like me and my spirit will torment you wherever you go.
Jacob: hell no I don't want your spirit to... you know what nevermind, so why are you calling I have a lot to do and your interrupting what I'm doing!
Elijah: well she's here in my house, we went to her house and it was upside down, the fucker stole a lot of things, I think she's traumatized because she's been crying then she'll say she's fine.
Jacob: damn! That's a big hit after giving birth, she's probably having postpartum depression, my baby had it too, I had to take care of her and my boy for some weeks.
Elijah: ( I sighed) I'll take her to see a doctor tomorrow because if she continues with the crying she'll have a fever.
Jacob: yeah you should and you did a great job by helping her Elijah at least she has someone close to her.
Elijah: yeah thanks man! See you anytime bye.

I hung up and stares at my ceiling, I closed my eyes and just relaxed and waited for them to wake up.

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