always there for me pt.2

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Diana's POV

He stood there still staring at me, he opened his mouth about to say something but he stopped, his hand went through his hair then turned around walking back to his bed,
"Diana just go to sleep it's nothing serious" I looked at him and nodded,
"Ok whatever it's going on in your head you need to fix it, goodnight" I said walking out of his bedroom not sparing him a glance.

Elijah's POV

I sighed laying back down on my bed, this shit is getting out of hand, I need to suppress my feelings then when it's the right time comes I'll tell her how I feel.

I walked into my office, there where pile of files of prisoners registers and reports I needed to go through, I sat on my chair drinking my coffee then started going through them as jacob walked in with his coffee too,
"Hey man sup?" He asked sitting down in the empty chair sipping his coffee,
"Good you?" I asked,
"Elijah for real what is wrong with you? You've been acting weird since yesterday what happened between you and Diana?"he said, I sighed,
"It's just that... I don't really know what it's happening but I think I'm fallen for her, I know I want her, I want her to be mine but I know she's not ready, you could clearly see that she doesn't want to have any relationship any time soon, I don't know till when I'm gonna hold my tongue, you know me if I want something I'll get if no matter what, but I'm doing this for her, I don't want her to get scared and just leave and stop talking to me" I said frustrated,
"Damn bro your whipped" said jacob after a while,
"So she has an appartment now right?" He asked,  I nodded,
"She'll be living any day from now, I don't want her to, I enjoy her company and her little baby, the fact that I've been a part of her life since when she gave birth made it more hard for me because I see her as my child" I said,
"Shit this is more complicated than I thought,I knew from the start that you more than like her and see her more than  a friend, bro just go slow with her still be present in her life maybe she'll see that you want more than just a friendship" I nodded in agreement,
"Yeah I'll do that, that's my only option"
"Yeah man, ok I'm going to my office before boss comes here to look for me" he got up and walked out of my office,
"Bye big head seen you at lunch break" he shouted from outside my office, I groaned and rolled my eyes,
"Shut the fuck up Jacob" I said going back to what i was doing.

I entered my car ready to move when my phone rang, my mom was calling,
"Hello mom "
"Hello my son how are you and how is work?"
"I'm fine and work too I was just about to head home right now"
"Ok that's good to hear your brother is coming home this sunday with my daughter in law, we're having dinner all together and I expect you to be there too and bring along Jacob,Sharon and my little cutie pie ok?"
"Yes mama of course, I'll see you on sunday then"
"Ok my child till then, goodnight"
"Yeah goodnight say hi to dad from me"
"Yes I will bye"
"Bye ma" I ended the phone call sighing, you probably know what's on my mind right now, yes I want to take Diana and Amelia to meet my family, I still have 4 days to figure out how the hell I'm gonna do that.

I arrived home tired, I got out of the car and headed inside, Diana was in the kitchen cleaning the table, I walked up to her,
"Hey" I kissed her on the forehead, then walked to the fridge to get some water,
"Hi umm I have something to tell you" she said a bit nervously, I glanced her way,
"Sure tell me" I said drinking my cup of water, she sighed,
"Umm ok so I decided to leave tomorrow, I don't have work tomorrow so do you I think right?" I stared at her, I don't want to fuck up things so I'm just going to play it cool,
"Yes it's my free day, if you want to leave it's fine we'll get up early so that we will make sure that by evening you have everything set in you apartment" I said coolly, she sighed in relief,
"Ok good thank you so much really, I can't thank especially you enough for helping me through out the past months, I'm really happy i met you you're such a great friend" she said coming over to where I was and hugged me, i hugged her back,
"I'm happy I met you too" I said inhaling her wonderful scent, her scent always gave me a sense of peace,
"Ok I'm going to bed now, see you tomorrow morning "she said,
"Ok goodnight " she walked away, 
"Take it slow Elijah " I wishepred to myself, when the time comes.

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