Rescuing Her

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Elijah's POV

I gulped down my hot coffee, as I entered the station with my colleagues greeting me with a nod.

"What's up Blondie!" said Jacob, as he comes and pats my shoulder as I rolled my eyes.

"Why do you always call me that? It's annoying" I said, as I sat on the chair in the office.

I looked up and saw Jacob glaring at me as he folded his arms waiting for my apology.

"What? It's the truth. Real friends tell you how they truly feel!" 

I shrugged as I continued drinking from my cup that was suddenly taken away from me.

I surprisingly looked up at Jacob as he drank the rest of my coffee and threw the cup in the recycling bin.

"You motherfucker, I swear I'll-" I started to say until I was interrupted by my walkie talkie.

"Guys, instead of arguing all the time and I'm sure you were just about to, there is a car that's speeding like there trying out for Fast and Furious 19. So how about you go and do something useful for the day, over?" Our Captain said. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

" Of course, boss. Over."

 I stood up and went to the board where they keep the keys of the police vehicles.

I signed my name and took the keys as Jacob trailed behind me chuckling. I ignored him as we got in the car and went to the location that Captain sent to the car's computer.

"Why do people purposely attempt to risk their lives and others? Why can't they just be civil and drive like a normal human being?" I asked as we proceeded in route.

"Don't even ask me" said Jacob shaking his head.

 A few kilometers in, we saw the car and turned on the sirens. We kept following the car till the person parked on a side of the road that was clear.

"I'll go check them out" I said as I got out of the car.

I was almost close to the car when I heard a women's scream come from the front seat. I snapped my head towards the driver's seat and pointed my gun.

"Don't move!" I spoke.

It was a girl that looked like she's about to pass out as she raised her hands in fear.

"Oh my God please don't shoot me I'm pregnant and my- ahhh" she screamed in pain, holding her big belly. 

 Oh SHIT! She's pregnant!

"I NEED TO GET TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!!"she screamed as I snapped out of my thoughts immediately. 

"Shit!" I said. My head was in chaos and I wasn't thinking straight. I quickly placed my gun away and stood there thinking of what I should do.

"I.... shit. Ok you're about to give birth" I say trying to understand if I heard right. She glares at me with a dumbfounded look. 

"NO SHIT!" She screamed and winced in pain.

"I need to go please or I'm going to give birth in this car or maybe die!" She said still holding her belly,

Ok I need to calm down and I need to help her get to the hospital, I thought as I opened the drivers door.

" Ok, ok, just calm down, I'll help you get to the hospital safe ok! Are you able to go to the passengers seat?" I asked,

She nodded rapidly and struggled to shift to the other seat but was able to go. I quickly got in and started driving, I pressed my walkie talkie to update Jacob.

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