Something important

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Elijah's POV

I opened my eyes feeling the sun come through my window cortens, I stretched a bit before getting up checking the time, it was 9:30 am, I have to go to the hospital to get this shit off my wrist. I'll be back on duty in 2 days time.
I walked to my bathroom and took a quick shower then wore my outfit before grabbing my keys and heading down stairs where I heard noises from the kitchen,

I walked to my bathroom and took a quick shower then wore my outfit before grabbing my keys and heading down stairs where I heard noises from the kitchen,

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(Elijah's outfit)

I saw Diana sitting on the kitchen bench feeding Amelia going through her phone,
"Good morning Diana" I said sending her a warm smile,
"Oh morning I didn't hear you come in" she said giggling,
"Umm so today I have a job interview that I've been waiting for for decades for and I'll be back maybe later in the evening, Sharon asked me to hang out with her today" I stood close to the counter sipping my coffee listening to what Diana was saying, well trying to, I kept staring at her lips as they moved when she was talking, her glowing face, you could clearly see that this interview meant something really important to her,
"That's fine by me, I hope your interview goes well and say hi to Sharon for me" I said with a smile on my face,
"We'll see when we get back ok?" I said, she smiled at me then nodded her head in agreement, I dropped my coffee cup in the sink then said goodbye before leaving the house heading to the hospital, I sighed and said,
" what a day".

Diana's POV

I woke up this morning feeling happy, remembering the event of yesterday put a smile on my face, as I was about to get up Amelia popped and I heard the smell then immediately covered my nose from the smell,
"oh my God! Child you better take it easy" I said getting up and taking her to the bathroom to get her changed.
After I was done taking care of Amelia I took a shower then returned to the room to get dressed, I wore white shorts and a t shirt then headed downstairs,

After I was done taking care of Amelia I took a shower then returned to the room to get dressed, I wore white shorts and a t shirt then headed downstairs,

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As I walked downstairs my phone vibrated, I checked it and it was a message from Sharon,

Sharon: good morning beauty! I was wondering if you have anything to do today?! I'm home bored cause I don't have work today, we could meet and start letting our children bond you might not know what the future hold!😝 text me back if you want to come over.

I laughed out loud scaring my baby,
" awe baby I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you!" I said still laughing and kissing her cheeks. I reached the kitchen and sat down in the bench and breastfed Amelia, I picked my phone and texted her back,

Me: good morning to you too😂, yeah we would like to come over maybe even go on a stroll!

I sent her the text and waited for her answer but then my phone rang, I picked up and saw it was the place I applied for a job that is calling, my eyes widened in surprise, I applied for it 7 months ago and now they decided to acknowledge me. I quickly answered the call,
"Hello?" I said waiting for their answer,
"Hello dear this is the secretary of fashion paradise delight I'm calling you to tell you that your application was accepted and you have the interview this afternoon at 13:30 pm is that ok for you miss?" She said, I was speechless for a second still not believing what is happening,
" wha... umm sorry yes! Of of course I'll be there! Thank you so much for this opportunity I'm really grateful !" I said excitedly,
" no problem miss see you!" She said then hung up, I was smiling wildly feeling the excitement run through my body.

I was thinking of what just happened and I texted Sharon and told her what's up, she said she was going to take care of Amelia mean while I go to the interview. Elijah came down after that and we chatted a bit later on he left the house.
I walked upstairs to start getting dressed,

I walked upstairs to start getting dressed,

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(Diana's outfit)

After getting dressed I left the house placing Amelia in her baby seat and buckled her up before I started driving going to Sharon's home.

I arrived later on, she was already standing by her front door with a smile, I packed and got out of my car and going to the back seat to unbuckled Amelia, i walked towards Sharon with a big smile on my face,
"Hey!" I said giving her a quick hug,
"Hi girl I know we just met but I'm proud of you, congratulations on your new job!" She said, I laughed,
"Thank you but I'm just going for the interview I don't know if their going to even accept me" I said, she kept smiling and said,
" girl that position is yours I'm already seeing you in your office with your secretary going through your new designs"
" I hope so, now I'm gonna go before i arrive there late and thank you so much for looking over her for me" I said,
" oh don't worry it's not a problem" I nodded before waiving goodbye at her and my baby.

I walked confidently inside this big ass building, at first I was speechless from it's beauty, I really hoped I would work here, I kept walking and saw a woman probably in her early 30s typing on her computer, I walked close to her before stoping at her desk,
"Hi, sorry for interrupting you I'm Diana Addison and I have an interview in a few minutes time" she looked up at me with a worm smile before nodding,
" hello miss, yes you have,I was the one who called you earlier, welcome! Now if you would follow me I'll take you to my boss's office" she said getting up from her chair and we shook hands and she lead me to the elevator, she pressed the last button floor. As we waited she asked,
" how old are you Diana?" She said curiously, I looked at her,
" I'm 23 ma'am" she kind of looked surprised and said,
" you know how to carry yourself miss, nice outfit by the way!" She said eyeing me, I cleared my throat and smiled,
"Thank you ma'am" she nodded in acknowledge,
"Dont be nervous Diana my boss is not that harsh, he's really friendly" she said as the elevator doors opened, we walked down the corridor reaching the door that faced the elevator, she knocked on the door before opening it,
" hey boss she's here" she said, then I heard a deep voice say,
"Let her in thank you" then i walked in facing my maybe future boss too.

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