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Elijah's POV

I sat there staring at her beautiful face, she fell asleep half way through her food, I placed the food in her nightstand, I'm trying to figure out what's her story, what really happened in her life, she looks interesting but I can't figure anything,i can feel her stress from here, I'll tell her what I feel about her place, after all she said she trusts me. I sighed and got up, I got closer to her hospital bed, I leaned in wanting to place a kiss on her forehead but I stopped in my track, what are you doing Elijah?, she doesn't even know you and you just want to be all affectionate with her!, she'll think I'm definitely a creep, I shook my head and raised my head away from her, I just caressed her cheek, I got to Amelia's and planted a kiss on her forehead instead,
"That'll be for you and your mother, you'll be a great kid" I said, she stirred a little and opened her eyes but went back to her nap immediately, I smiled before leaving the room.

"Elijah repeat what you just said?!" I rolled my eyes as I drank from my bear, Jacob stared at me as if I just told him I was pregnant, his expression is very annoying,
"I said I went back to the hospital to- why am I even repeating my self again?, not my fault you're dumb!" I smirked knowing I'll be six feet under any second from now, he gasped and glared at me, we were staring down at each other, he suddenly got up ready to attack me but Sharon entered the house with groceries bags, I sighed in relief and got up to help her,
"Hey Sharon!" I said as I took the bags from her,
"Oh my goodness!, thank you for helping me out, I would have been on the floor outside passed out, does bags are heavy as hell!" She said rolling her eyes, I chuckled and went to the kitchen,
"Hi baby!" She said as she kissed Jacob,
"Hey" he said still glaring at me, Sharon raised a brow at him,
"Did I just save Elijah's life?" She questioned him,
"Oh you did!" He said squinting his eyes at me, she looked at my way and smirked,
"You're welcome!" She said going up the stairs, I saluted her chuckling,
"Bro I swear, I would have whooped your ass if she didn't interrupt my mission" he eyed me as we arranged the things in the cupboard and in their right places.
"So for real you went there and what did you do?" He asked me once we were sat down on the sofa,
"I got there, I played with the baby a little almost got attacked because she thought I was kidnapping her daughter, talked to her a bit, I discovered she doesn't have anyone who can help her so I offered her my help, tomorrow I'll go pick them up from the hospital and take them home which is really bordering me" I said now frowning, he had a confused expression,
"What do you mean it's bordering you to take them home?" I shook my head,
"She stays at this very risky and dangerous street that I know for sure drug dealers stay there and gangs, at day it seems like a place where nobody stays but I'm sure as hell that at night it's another story, it's really bothering me, living them there in danger" I said sighing,
"Damn well that's something right there!" He said with a frown,
"What do you think I should do?,i know I want to do the right thing but at the same time I feel like a stalker and a creep from all this sudden care, maybe I should not involve myself into her life"I said frustrated,
"What? Hell no Elijah, do something, you're a cop for crying out loud, you do this job for justice and to help people right? And I feel like she's a cool person from what you've told me so far, don't let her be in danger no one deserves to be hurt because of their predicament, help her as much as possible that's what you need to do" he said patting my shoulder and got up, I gave him a grateful smile,
"You see!, you can be such a sweetheart when you want to" I said getting up from the sofa grabbing my keys and phone, Jacob turned around rolling his eyes and kissed his teeth,
"Shut up Blondie!" He smirked walking away, I shook my head still smiling leaving his house. I've been there since I left the hospital this afternoon and told him everything, Jacob is like my therapist, anytime I need to let something out that is bothering, I always go to him, we've been best friends since collage, we bonded immediately, he's the only friend I have, people that I knew were faking their friendship with me because I had money, girls were always up in my ass, I dated two times and they didn't end well, they both cheated on me and used me for my money, after then I just gave up on relationships, I wanted to focus on my job, myself and my family.

Diana's POV

I have my baby in my arms as she quietly slept, it's already dark and I was just thinking about the cop Elijah, his name suits him a lot, it surprised me a little when he came back and brought me food, I never thought he was going to come back. I'll always be grateful for his help, I can't help but be a bit uneasy, for some stranger to help me just like that and actually came back, thought I would never see his beautiful face ever again. I sighed and rested my head on the pillow closing my eyes and thanking God far what I have and the helper he brought to me.

I opened my eyes lazily as my baby cried, I got up slowly and went to her,
"Good morning my baby!" I smiled at her, her cute nose was red because of her crying, I placed her in my arms as I went to the bathroom to change her diaper, I was still a bit sore but I felt more better, my baby is still a surprise and wonder to me, never would have thought I could have a baby this early, but seeing my baby in my arms made all my doubts I had about my baby vanish, she's the happiness that was buried in me, she brought my happiness back and the want to improve in life to make her happy and successful, seeing her makes me think of the challenges I'll face in life worth it.
I dressed my baby and brushed my teeth, washed my face and combed my head, I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror and looked satisfied even though I looked a little pale I didn't mind,I still look fine.
I sat on the hospital chair waiting on Elijah, he texted me few minutes ago saying he was on his way, I don't know why but I'm so nervous to see him again, he's so fine, everything about him make my heart skip a bit.

"Aren't you the cutest!?" I said to Amelia, she looked at me clueless of what I was saying and making baby sounds, I chuckled to my self, I heard a knock and in came in all his glory Elijah.

Thank you guys for reading, commenting and voting, helps me a lot. Hope your enjoying this book!😜.

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