Bitter sweet denial

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Diana's POV

I arrived at Elijah's house tired, today was a busy day for me but I really enjoyed it neither the less, I packed my car and about to get out and Sharon's words kept playing in my head, do I really like him like in that way? Or it's me having just the same reaction other women always have when seeing him?
" ugh I'm not ready for a relationship and i don't even know if he likes me that much" I said shaking my head trying to get myself together, I got out and took Amelia from the back seat walking towards the house, I got in and went to my room to put Amelia to bed, thankfully she was already sleeping. I quickly went to the bathroom to take a quick shower before changing into my pajama shorts and spaghetti strap singlet, covering myself with a robe before going to the kitchen,

 I quickly went to the bathroom to take a quick shower before changing into my pajama shorts and spaghetti strap singlet, covering myself with a robe before going to the kitchen,

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I was hungry so I decided to cook something quick before going to bed.
In the middle of placing the creamy tomatoes and spinach in my place I heard Elijah's walking into the kitchen,
" oh diana I thought you were already sleeping " there stood Elijah in all his glory with just some basketball shorts shirtless with wet hair falling down his beautiful face I just stared admiring what God created, my girly down there was having a hard moment too, he walked closer giving me a puzzled look,
"Are you ok?" He chuckled still coming closer and my breathing was getting out of control, I cleared my throat crossing my thighs together to suppress the feeling,
" oh umm... I'm yeah.. I'm ok you?" I said trying to compose myself as he came closed and stood in front of me, he stared at me smiling then he placed a kiss on my forehead before saying,
"I'm good and I'm hungry" then leaned closer to the pot to see what I was cooking, oh good lord help me!, I could literally feel the heat of his body radiating on mine, that was how close he was to me, I cleared my throat again taking a step back and looked at him,
" umm yeah I cooked pasta go sit down I'll bring the food for you" I said taking another plate ignoring his stare,
"Alright I'll wait for you there" he then walked off, I released a breath of relief and quickly dished his and my plate before turning around seeing him staring at me, his eyes were a darker shade of blue hazel now I was a bit caught off guard by it I've never seen his eyes change colour like that, that turned me on even more, I walked over the table placing his plate in front of him,
"Here you can eat now" I said lowly the sat my own plate and we began eating,
" your such a good cook Diana " he said smiling at me taking a sip of his wine, ok what the hell is wrong with me? My heart was beating so fast I don't know wat to even say, I was so aroused for the little things his doing now? Oh hell no!! I need to control myself,
"Oh umm..  thank you " I looked ar him before going back to eating,
"Are you sure you're ok? You're acting weird" he watched my attently, I gulped down my whole cup of wine, whatever is happening to me is getting out of control, I need to control myself before I do something I know I'll regret afterwards, I folded my legs, took a deep breath,
" I'm fine I'm just tired you know " I said giggling to keep up my cover,
"Ok if you say so! How was you day by the way?" He asked resuming back to eating,
" it was wonderful, I went to see an apartment I saw that was online 3 days ago, I love it and I took it, I'll be packing my stuff very soo  and I'll get off your shoulder so that you'll have your space back" I said smiling but when I looked up from my food to stare at him my smile dropped,
"What?" I asked nervously from how he was staring at me intensely with anger and hurt?, no no I don't think maybe he's just tired,
" and when where you intending on telling me ?" He said a bit angry, I gave him a confused looks trying to understand why on earth was he angry,
" I was going to tell you eventually, not that us going to change anything Elijah, are you really angry right now?" I asked amused, he kept staring at me not saying anything,
"It's not that we're not gonna see you anymore you can come to my place and we can come here for a sleepover" I said trying to clear the awkward moment, he stood up from his seat taking his plate and went to the sink washing his plate, I started at his back feeling a bit uneasy, why he's he angry? I don't understand, I sighed in frustration,
"Elijah?" I said walking up to him, he turned slightly to take my plate washing it as well,
" why are you angry? I don't get it, aren't you happy for me? I thought... I thought it was a good step for me, it's a huge step for me and Amelia, I told you if I had the money I would leave your house to build my life back again" I said   staring at him on the verge of crying, why was he not happy for me?, he still kept his silence not saying anything he just stood there not even looking at me, I took a step back and turned my back on him ready  to leave the kitchen but I was stopped by Elijah, he held my wrist, I turned around and then he hugged me sighing loudly,
" I'm sorry of course I'm happy for you, I'm more than proud of you, I thought you were comfortable enough for you to stay here for much longer you don't need to rush things Diana, just because you want to get back to your feet it shouldn't be so quick but it's your choice, I'm just going to miss you and Amelia, I'm not going to lie about that, you've become a person dear and special to me, I'm just a bit surprised that's it" he said kissing my forehead, I looked at him in the eyes then my eyes went a bit lower staring at his kissable lips, I bit my lower to suppress the feeling, I looked back at his eyes which were now back to the darker shade of his eye color,
"You're not angry?"I whispered, he kept  staring from my lips to my eyes, he shook his head still holding me, I placed my head head on his chest just feeling the moment,
"Ok good I'm going to bed now" I said leaving the embrace,
"Ok good night when you're ready to move your things tell me so that I'll help you with the stuff" he said, I shook my head,
" oh no don't worry I'll..."
"No Diana I said what I said no argument " I smiled him nodding my head,
"Goodnight" I said before turning around walking away heading to my bedroom.
I really don't know what I feel about him or how I feel about him, i just don't want to ruin everything we have it's ok as it is, moving it's the best choice right now so I can get my head back together and like I said earlier I don't think he likes me that much so I'm just going to leave it like that, I need to think with my head right now I've been hurted for too long and I never received the love I ever wanted not even fro  by ex boyfriend, so why try now? I know it will end badly I just know.

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