Knowing Her

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Elijah's POV

I slowly open my eyes and groaned, I yawn and rubber my eyes with my right hand. Well at the end, yesterday as we went back to the hospital the nurses checked my wrist, they said it was dislocated so they had to put a cast on my wrist to keep it firm for some weeks, we went back to work and my boss saw what happened and told me to stay home for two weeks, I really appreciate it cause I needed it, they gave me pain killers because the pain was increasing and my over dramatic wrist swelled more. I sighed and got up from my bed, I checked my phone and saw that it was 11:30 am, I went in the bathroom and took a shower.

I dried myself and wore boxers then headed downstairs to have coffee, I don't really like eating breakfast in the morning it makes me nauseous later on, don't even ask me what's wrong with me I myself can't give you the answer. I went to the balcony and sat there admiring the street.

My mind kept drifting back to yesterday's event, the beautiful baby, she took the beauty from her mom for sure, yesterday I kept thinking of her till I fell asleep and thinking of what happened.
Her eyes were the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, people might say it's just the normal boring and plain Brown eyes, but I saw the way the had spark in them and her lips, does lips are definitely not the normal and plain lips, her's were so full naturally and perfect.
I wonder if their ok!, who is going to help them go home?, my mind keeps telling me to go and see them, but I feel like I'm invading their privacy,
"Uugghh I don't care I'm going!" I got up and went upstairs to get dressed, I just wore black jeans, white t shirt and leather jacket, I went downstairs put on my shoes, took my keys, phone and left the house.

I parked my car and got out, to say I was nervous was an understatement, I wiped my hands on my jeans out of nervousness, got in the elevator and pressed the number of her floor. I reached there and went down the corridor and stood in front of room 175, I took a breath and knocked, I waited for a moment but the was no reply, I knocked again and waited but nothing, has she left already?, I sighed then quietly opened the door, I looked inside and saw her, she was sleeping that's why she didn't answer, I quietly entered and went close to the hospital bed, her snores were cute, the were barley audible, suddenly her baby started crying, I quickly went to her and picked her up,
" shhhh beautiful baby don't cry mama is resting, she's really tired you know!" I whispered, Amelia opened her eyes and stared at me, she can't see me now though, Jacob told me that babies can't see on the first days of living , she stopped crying as she held my pinky finger in her cute little hand, she was so small, I smiled at her and sat down on the chair that was close to the bed, I kept playing with her till she fell back to sleep, I slowly got up to put Amelia back in her hospital crib, just as I was about to put her down her mother woke up, her eyes widened in fear,
" ahhh get away from my baby!" She screamed ready to get up from the hospital bed,
"hey it's me the police officer of yesterday, I'm not going to harm her I promise!" I said quietly going close to her so she  would see me well,
"Oh my God you scared the shit out of me!" She whisper yelled, she touched her chest, she then sat up on the hospital looking at me with curiosity, I gave her a genuine smile,
" I'm sorry for that!" I said then went to sit on the chair I sat on before,
"Hi, I'm sorry for yelling I didn't see you come in" she said now relieved,
" don't worry It was my fault, you were sleeping and I came in, I should have waited outside, Amelia started crying and I played with her a little, she then fell back asleep" I said, she nodded then looked at her baby then looked at me,
"I'm Diana Addison by the way and Thank you for helping me yesterday!" she said smiling softly, her name really suits her, I extended my hand for her to take,
"And I'm Elijah Kennedy, I'm a police officer which you know already" I said she just nodded staying quiet,
" ummm why are you here did you stay here since yesterday?" She asked,
" Oh no no I left when you fell asleep I then came back to put a cast on my wrist" she looked at me shocked the looked at my cast,
" Oh no I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to injure you, I'm really sorry is there anything I can do to help?" She said fanatically,
" No it's ok now, I won't go to work for two weeks I can finally rest the wrist a bit" I said reassuring her, she sighed nodding her head, I looked at her as she caressed the baby's hair smiling,
"She's really beautiful, like her mom" I said not realizing I said it out loud, she turned and looked at me surprised then looked away, there was then an awkward silence between us, I cleared my throat,
"So when are you leaving the hospital?" I asked changing the subject,
"Oh tomorrow and oh.... Shit" she said the face palmed herself as If she realized something, I looked at her curiously,
"What?" I asked,
"I forgot my bag I packed for all this, it was unexpected and I didn't think of it at all" she said in frustration, I frowned,
"You don't have anyone that can come help?" She looked at me with sadness in her eyes and from her expression I knew the answer,
"Hey if you want I can go get them for you then come pick you up tomorrow!" I suggested, she looked at me hesitantly, she sighed the nodded her head,
"I really don't want to disturb you, you've done so much for me already!" She said, I got up placing my hand on her shoulder,
"Hey I just want to help nothing more!" She looked at my hand on her shoulder then looked at me in the eyes,
" I don't know why I kind of trust you, you're a good person and I appreciate what you're doing" she smiled, I smiled back at her, she stretched her hand and took her keys from the nightstand then gave it to me, she then took my phone putting her number in it and writing her address too, I went over Amelia and caressed her hair and she smiled as she slept, I smiled too,
"I'll be back!" I said leaving the room.
I released a breath of relief, I really thought she would think I'm some weird stalker, I had a smile on my face as I walked out of the hospital building,
"Well that went ok" I said out loud, I got in my black range rover and went to address she wrote for me.

I arrived at this street,it was really quiet and the houses weren't neat, the looked like nobody lived in the houses, I frowned thinking that maybe she has mistaken her address but then again it's was a stupid thought. I went further in the street till my gps told me I arrived at my destination, I looked at the small apartment in front of me, it was way more decent and neat more that the others, I sighed then came out of my car, I reached the front door and used the keys she gave me to open the door, I went inside, I looked around impressed, I thought it was going to be a house with close and makeup everywhere but no, it was really clean and neat, it smelled of lavender, the house was small and welcoming, well I guess she really stays by herself. I walked down the corridor,thrre was only a door so I think that might be her room, I reached the door and opened it, the size of the room was an ok size for someone to stay in, there was a crib close to the window and by the side was where I think she'll be changing her baby, by my right there was a door, I opened the door and saw that it was the bathroom, there was a small bath, shower and a wash basin, still and ok for a person apartment. I walked back into her room and saw a medium size wardrobe by the side of her night stand which was close to her queen size bed. I opened the wardrobe and saw a already packed pink duffle bag, I grabbed it and checked inside to see if it was the right bag and it was, I zipped it back up and took it along with me. I came out of the house and thought about one thing. I don't want her and her baby to leave in this place anymore. It's look way too dangerous for a baby and her, she's a really strong girl to even think of living here and I can see that she doesn't have that much money, but it looked like she is coping well.

After about thirty fourty minutes I arrived at the hospital, I went to buy her food from McDonald I don't know what she could eat, that was the first thing that came to my mind, what?, don't judge me that's what I eat if I don't have anything in mind to cook or when I'm too lazy to cook.

I got out of the car and went inside the hospital. I reached her room and knocked,
"Come in" I heard her say, I opened the door and entered the room and saw that she was breastfeeding Amelia, I looked away and went and sat down on the chair,
"Hey!" She smiled wildly at me, I think she saw how I quickly looked away because she took a small cloth and used it to cover her breast and Amelia's face,
"If you want I can't leave and come back later!" I said, she looked at me and laughed and oh lord that was music to my ears, I relaxed a bit,
" no it's fine she's almost done" I nodded my head,
"Ok umm I brought the bag and food for you, I know for sure that hospital food isn't the best soo...." She smiled,
"Aww thank you! I was already bored out of my mind with that food" she said rolling her eyes and I chuckled.

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