all together pt.2

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Diana's POV

To say that I was relieved was an understatement, God! I was so scared that something might go wrong over the dinner we had with Elijah's parents and to stay with them for the weekend to have a family time was overwhelming for me, it's been so long that I've felt the love of a family, the way they accepted me and my baby so fast was the best feeling that I've experienced in a long time, his parents are wonderful, funny, loving and non judgmental, I made friends with Lucinda, she's so funny and lovely, she's Latina, she told me about her childhood, how she was brought up in a poor home, when her father died she vowed to do anything in her power to take care of her mother and junior brother, her first step was to come to America and look for a job, save money and finish school, in other words after some years she got accepted in a modeling agency that paid her a lot of money, she met Logan in a party that one of her colleagues had at the time, they got married and decided to start a new life in Russia and here there are now with a baby boy on the way.

"Anyways mamas I like your dress looks good on you"said sharon as she sipped her red wine,

"Anyways mamas I like your dress looks good on you"said sharon as she sipped her red wine,

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( yep this is Diana and this is what she wore)

"Ohh thank you girl, I actually bought it 2 days ago" I said laughing,
"So how is it going with my brother in law?" Asked Lucinda,
"It's going great, I love everything about him, he makes me happy and I'm happy I accepted this relationship I know I would be missing out" I said,
" oh so y'all have done the nasty already?" Sharon asked, as she said that I choked on my wine,
"What?hell no! Sharon!!" She laughed as if it was even actually funny which it isn't, I rolled my eyes at her then i remembered that Elijah's mom was right here with us, I glanced at her and saw her smiling too, I put my head down from the embarrassment,
" can we change the subject I don't want to be talking about that right now!" I said getting up from my seat,
"Girl I'm dropping it now but expect me to be in your business very soon cause I want to hear all the tea about your relationship" sharon said, Lucinda and Elijah's mom nodded in agreement,
" I'm happy that your in my son's life, I really like you, right from when I saw you I knew you were the right one" mama Elijah said, I smiled big,
" thank you ma'am it means a lot" I said.



We were all in the living room watching movies, it was really late and I was tired so I decided to head upstairs after saying goodnight to the rest that was still in the living room. Elijah also followed me, we went to his old room,
" babe you're ok?" Elijah asked coming out of the bathroom with only boxers on, I was laying on the bed playing with Amelia's hair as she slept,
" yeah I'm just tired Eli" I said giving him a small smile,
"Thank you for bringing to your parents their wonderful and so funny" I said laughing a bit,
"I know and I told you they would accept you" he said climbing the bed and covered himself, he kissed Amelia's forehead and kissed mine too, he rested his head on his hand staring at me intensely,not that I feel self conscious or anything but I was getting uncomfortable with him staring at me like that,
"What? Why are you staring at me like that " I said biting my lip out of nervousness,
" I-" he said hesitantly,
"You what?" I asked curious,
He sighed shaking his head,
"Hey tell me what is it? , did you do something bad?" I asked cautiously,
" no no nothing like that don't worry it's nothing, c'mon we have to rest we have to wake up early tomorrow " he said smiling dropping the subject,
"Ok goodnight" I said yawning ready to sleep,
"Goodnight beautiful" he said and we fell asleep. 

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