Always there for me

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Diana's POV

I woke up staring at my baby that was still sleeping peacefully, I sighed and got up fron the bed carefully not wake meli up, I checked the time and saw that it was 5:20 am, I took off my pjs and wore a sport bra, biker short and sport shoes, I quietly walked out of the room with the baby monitor for security, I walked down to the gym room, I looked around and decided for something to start with.

" 53,54,55,56" I kept counting while I was doing squats, after a while my alarm went off and i stopped collapsing on the floor all sweaty and exhausted, I crawled to where my phone it, i checked the time which was now 8:00am i got up feeling drained but it was all worth, my baby fat has gone just some fat in the right places that I'm not complaining about, I like exercising because it takes my mind off the things I would like to forget for a moment and think of something but important that would benefit me.

I walked back to my room, Amelia was awake and was just sucking on her thumb waiting for me, I walked up to her kissing her all over her face,
"Hello darling, how is my baby doing?" I said tickling her tummy as she giggled, I took her to the bathroom to start our morning routine. After we were done taking a bath and shower I went to the kitchen to make some waffles, beckon and fruits. I sat on the table feeding Amelia as well, what happened yesterday night just made me a bit sad, seeing Elijah angry for I don't know what reason made me uneasy, why would he be so angry like that?, I don't think any other person would have reacted like that anyway, I sighed and shook my head forgetting about it. I got up getting ready for work and I dressed up Amelia too. I wore a black shirt, black bottom up long sleeve with black stilettos.

 I wore a black shirt, black bottom up long sleeve with black stilettos

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      ( immagine her as diana)

I looked at the time and hurriedly left the house going to Sharon's house where I'm sure the nanny would be waiting for me.
After I dropped Amelia at Sharon's house I immediately went to my office getting my coworkers along the way,
"Good morning miss Addison boss would like to see you in his office" said my boss secretary as she entered the elevator,  I rolled my eyes at her,
" sure" I said in a bored tone, she turned around and face me with a disgusted face looking at me up and down,
" listen here Diana I don't know who you think you are coming into this company acting as if you own the place, I don't even know why my boss likes you so much to just upgrade your statues in just few months but I suggest you don't come close to me or anyone in this company because people like you always get what they want by giving it up" she scoft turning back around, I stood there glaring at her,I was fuming, it's taking everything In me not to beat the shit out of her and rearrange her face,
"People like me? Are you even listening to yourself you sound jealous and desperate, what is it that you want from me, from the start I've always minded my business and you keep coming to me with your dumb ass threats, I really don't care why you're jealous this is all so childish, I suggest you take your own advice and stay in your place and do your job, the boss acknowledges me because compared to you I have talent and do my job with all my might giving it my best to show him that I'm capable of doing my job and trust me I would never give it up, I'm not a desperate bitch like you, keep acting like a fool and the day will come when you'll regret ever talking to me. Now if you'll excuse me I'm busy bye bitch" I said as I walked out of the elevator ignoring the confused stares from workers and the angry face of hers.
I walked up to my boss office knocking,
"Yes come in" he said, I walked inside the office,
"Morning sir you asked for me!?" I said, he looked up at me and smiled,
"Ah yes darling, how are you?, you can sit down please" I nodded smiling before sitting down,
" we have a fashion show in about a month time and I would like to see your creativity, bring me some of your designs I would like to see them,  I love your creativity that's why I'm willing to give you this opportunities and because I see that you have great potentials, make sure you are present in the photoshoots and make sure you go through all the designed clothes that will be made I want it to be perfect, also use bright and unique colors, I want to see something different" he says still going through his paper work, I was shocked at what he assigned to me,I was stunned, the fashion show it's one of the most popular shows and he want's me to add my work to this fashion, this could take me far if people acknowledge my work,
"S-Sir are you sure? I mean I'm still new at all this and..."
"I have Reason for everything and I know why I choosed you over other people in this company, they all doing it because of money not because their passionate I would want to go far, I see it in you Diana, obviously you need the money but I see the way you do your job you are hard working, so yes I'm very sure of my decision" I nodded with a big smile,
"Thank you so much sir I'll give my best" I said getting up,
"One question Diana!" He said now looking at me,
"Have you ever thought of having your own business?" He asked,
"Yes of course sir " I said, he smiled then nodded,
"Here's your chance " I nodded feeling extremely happy and accomplished.

It was now 23:00pm, I parked all my stuff before leaving my office and the building, I  was exhausted but contented, I got in my car and drove off .
I got to Sharon's house and knocked at the front door, the living room and kitchen lights were on so I know they'll hear me, Jacob was the one who opened the door,
"Hey D sup?" He gave me a hug before welcoming me inside the house,
"I'm ok thanks where's Sharon?" I asked walking up to my baby who of course was sleeping, I took her baby seat covering her properly,
"She's really tired from here shift, she's already sleeping" I nodded with a smile,
"Ok thanks jacob for everything, goodnight" I said about to leave but he stopped me,
"Did you and Elijah had an argument? Today he was really quiet and distracted, sometime he was being very rude to our coworkers, I was ready to whoop his ass but I just decided to leave him alone, i was just worried,  you know he's like a brother to me and i don't like seeing him like that" he said,
"Umm yeah kind of, but we cleared the air after it, I don't even know why he got so angry yesterday" I said showing him a sad smile,
"Well ok if you can talk to him for me" he said saying his goodbyes.

I arrived at Elijah's house, I walked inside the house seeing him in the living room watching tv,
"Hey Elijah " I said smiling softly, he faced me  looking at me up and down then smiled at me,
"Hey how was work?" He asked walking up to me and grabbing Amelia who started crying,
" it was amazing my boss gave me an opportunity to show my designs for the fashion show that would be in a month time,
"Oh that I great, i know you could do great things " he said kissing my forehead, I smiled at the gesture,
"Thank you, I'll go take a shower now I'll come back right away" I said,
"Ok let me go put Diana to bed then, I'll follow you" he said walking up the stairs with me, he placed Amelia in her usual spot on the bed, he placed a kiss in her forehead caressing her face, and before I knew it she was back to sleep, the view made my heart warm, he's so good with kids,
"I'll wait for you down stairs, I cooked something by the way if you hungry I'll make you a plate" he said,
"Thank you but I've already eating at work I was too hungry to wait any
longer"i said giggling, he smiled nodding his head then left the room, I stripped from my clothes before going to the bathroom.

I moisturized my body before putting on shorts and a tank top, I walked down stair and saw Elijah sitting on the couch, I walked up to him and sat on the same couch, he looked at me and licked his lips,
" why are you far away come closer I don't bite" he said patting the couch where was space, I laughed going closer and turned to him as he stared at me,
"So how was your own day?" He shrugged before saying,
"It was ok as usual nothing intresting" I gave him a "oh really" look,
"What?" He asked giving me a confused look,
"Jacob told me you know " I said lowly, he sighed,
"Nothing happened Diana he's being dramatic, ok maybe I was a bit irritated today" he said looking at the tv,
"Elijah I don't get it, you need to tell me something because I really don't get it, I know you were like that because of yesterday, now tell me why you were angry I would really like to know" I said turning his face so that he was looking at me,
"It's nothing Diana just drop it" he said getting up walking towards the stairs, I followed him to his room, he was about to close his door but I blocked it,
"No Elijah your going to tell me what the fuck is wrong with you because I can see it's disturbing you" I said walking in his room closing the door behind me, he took off his shirt living only his basketball  shorts, I looked at him licking my lips, damn  he was so perfect, with his six packs and the v line,
" I don't think you want to know the reason Diana" he said chuckling darkly, I took a step back surprised he was really close to me,
"I want to know "I said looking at him in the eyes.

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