Shaken Territory

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Elijha's POV

I ended the call with Diana, my blood was boiling, the anger I was feeling was making my head hurt with a strong headache,

" hey bro you good?" said Jacob as we walked to our patrolling vehicle, I look at him and sighed, he looked at me with a raised brow,

" damn what got you all red ?" he asked again,

" Diana is at your house, she got a call from my daughter's sperm donor, how the fuck did he get her number and why now all of a sudden?" I said massaging my temple to try smoothing the headache,

" wait what? I thought none of the people in her past wanted her where there are?" he asked frowning,

" exactly, what is he planning?" I asked to myself,

" that guy is stalking her now or what?" he asked and I sighed,

" God I hope not I don't have time for this shit, I just got my family together let me enjoy it before all this shit happens " I said now frustrated with the situation,

" relax you've got them with you, you don't need to be worrying about them and you not having them by your side, this is your family forever" he said, I nodded in agreement,

" yes you're right I just..." I said trying to explain what I was feeling,

" Elijha!?" he stopped and stood in front of the vehicle,

" what?" I asked looking at him,

" are you doubting her?" he asked tilting his head to the side, I groaned in annoyance not at him but myself,

" i'm not doubting her or her love for me but what if she has a second thought about staying with me I mean it's the real father of Amelia we are talking about here and I have confidence in myself and the relationship but I can't help having all this thoughts in my head" said as I entered the vehicle,

" no bro don't do that it's not gonna take you anywhere trust me and this will crush Diana if she hears what you just said"

" yeah you're right" I said sighing again,

"c'mon we gotta go" he said patting my shoulder,

" i'll get out earlier than usual, when she called she sounded a bit scared" I said as we drove off, Jacob looked at me and didn't say anything,

" ohhh c'mon don't give that face, you're my bro for life when the time comes i'll cover as much shifts for you as possible" I said laughing,

" you're lucky it's a serious matter and you know what? your ass own me a vacation to the Bahamas" he said folding his arms like a baby, I laughed at him patting his shoulder as well but he pushed me away,

" don't touch me with them nasty hands Lord knows what you have done with them, don't think I didn't notice you when you came in all smiling and shit!" he said kissing his teeth, I laughed at him shaking my head,

" I don't kiss and tell" I said,

" ohh there's no need for that it was written all over your face" he said rolling his eye's, I ignored his ass as we went to patrol some areas.

When we went back to the station I went to my boss office and told him I had an emergency at home, he let me go because he knows Jacob will cover for me.

I got in my car and went to Jacob's house and packed my car and got out, as I was about to open the door I was engulfed in a hug, I knew it was Diana by her perfume,

" wow babe! it's ok don't be so scared it's all going to be ok he's not going to do anything" I said trying to reassure her,

" i'm sorry I had to cut you're day off like this but I have this bad feeling and I don't like it at all I just want to go home please" she said tiredly, I sighed hugging her tight and kissed her forehead,

" of course baby don't worry i'm here now" I said, I looked forward and saw Sharon give me a sad smile,

" hey Sharon thank you for keeping her company you must be tired" I said as I saw bags under her eye's,

" it's ok Eli she's my best friend after all" she said shrugging and gave me a reassuring smile, I grabbed Diana's hand and went in the house to see Amelia sleeping on the couch, I went up to her and gently picked her up, Diana picked up her belongings,

" thanks you Sharon i'll call you later when you are done resting ok?" said Diana, Sharon nodded smiling,

" goodnight y'all" she said going upstairs and we walked out of the house.

We were now at my house and I took a sleeping Amelia to my bedroom, Diana followed me as well, I placed her in the bed and used pillows to put around her, I stared at my daughter. she got so big, I could remember the first time I placed her on my bed, she was so tiny, a smile pulled at my lips, I sighed and looked away from her to Diana that was also smiling softly, I guess she had the same memories rushing through her mind, I walked up to her ang hugged her close to me, I buried my face in the croak of her neck planting sweet kisses on her,

" thank you for giving me all this Diana, God! it means everything to me you won't even understand" I wisphered to her, she looked at me with a big smile,

" no Elijha it's all you" she whispered back, I kissed her and dragged her to the bathroom and we took a shower together and then went bed.

I was woken up by a small hand that was tapping me on the face and soft crying,

" dada...dada!!" I heard Amelia cry I quickly opened my eyes to see my little baby with a cute pout on her face, I brought her close to me and placed her on my chest,

"Why is my little angel crying?" I asked as she stared up at me still pouting, I wiped her tears from her eyes and kissed her forehead,I streched my hand towards my nightstand and grabbed my phone to check the time, it was 5:10 am, I was going to wake up soon anyways, I turned my head and didn't see Diana on the bed, I looked towards the bathroom and the lights where on, I guess she was getting ready for work as well, i got up and went downstairs taking my little angel with me.

I fed with warm milk and went back upstairs to quickly get her ready, today she was starting day care fully.

She fell back asleep when I was putting on her a cute dress and shoes. After awhile Diana came out of the bathroom all ready,

" good morning my love" I said walking up to her,

"Morning babe" she said hugging me,

" I'll take her to the day care" she said grabbing her bag and picked Amelia up,

"Yeah sure, I'll go get ready and leave before I get to work late" I said going to the bathroom,

" you better" she yelled from downstairs and the I heard the front door close, I shook my head with a smile and proceeded with my morning routine.

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