Amelia's Birthday

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Diana's POV

I woke up this morning feeling so happy, I brushed my hands on Elijah's hear as he slept peacefully, I checked the time to see that time it was, 5:20 am he should be waking up in 10 minutes time. I got up and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine, after doing all that I went to my closet and looked for what to wear.

 I got up and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine, after doing all that I went to my closet and looked for what to wear

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While I was getting ready, Elijah woke up with a start,

"Morning beautiful " he said coming over to where I was and hugged me from behind,

"Morning babe" I said smiling,

"Let me quickly do my morning stuff then we go and wake our birthday girl"
He said planting a kiss on my forehead.

After a while he came out and got dressed in his uniform, we walked out of the room and walked to Amelia's room, I opened the door of her room brought out my phone to make a video and capture the moment, we looked at her bed to see her sitting there rubbing her face with her small hands, just looking at her brought to my lips a big smile, we walked up to her small bed and sang happy birthday to her, she was giggling and clapping her hands in excitement.
Elijah picked her up and started blowing raspberries on her tommy making her scream and giggling and then she said something that made us stop in our track,

"Dadadada" she said clapping her hands looking at Elijah, he stood there and stared at her shooked at what she said, Amelia sometimes says words it's not her first word but they where never clear as this word she just said,  Elijah happily kissed her all over her face with unshared  tears,

"Hey baby girl" he whispered bringing her body close to his body,

I was a crying mess while still recording the moments, 

"She just said dada babe oh my God, I just can't with all this cuteness" I said wiping my tears,

I walked up to them and hugged them,

"Come on baby mommy and dada bought you gifts you'll see them meanwhile I make breakfast" I said ticking my baby, she giggled happy hiding her face in the crook of Elijah's neck. We all eat together after Elijah showed her a few gift we bought her,

" ok babe I gotta go see you when the party it's about to start I'll get here as soon as i can"said Elijah coming to give me a kiss,

"That's fine babe see you" I said smiling at him while placing Amelia on the rogue for her to play with her toys.

I waited for our nanny to get here before I left for work.

Elijah's POV

I told Diana I was going to work but in reality I was going to get the documents for Amelia's adoption, to say I was nervous was an understatement, a lot of thoughts where filling my mind, I love our little baby, I love Diane, words can't even describe what I feel for her, she's one of the best things that's ever happened to me, I had fear for our relationship, I'm a man that takes things seriously, relationships are one of them, I'm scared that our little family was going to one day break apart. I fear that something will happen and our family with break up,  but we have to take the risk, get better at investing in what we want and that's me wanting to have this family till the day I die, i don't want things to fall apart and I'll work for it.

After I was done signing papers and having them all documented I was happy, relieved and peaceful, now I went to work to end my shift, Jacob was covering for me thankfully.

I walked to my office, I placed my belonging aside and started my work.

After a while I was in our police car chasing a car that was speeding,

"I promise you this humans are out of their mind and so unbothered that they might hurt someone speeding like that " said Jacob frowning at the speeding car that was on front of us which didn't stop at our signal to pull over, I sighed shaking my head in disapproval, there's something about this speeding car that get on my nerves,

"We'll see if he stops if he won't we'll call the backup" I said.

This went on for a bit and i got sick of it and called backup, we chased the car and fanilly he stopped and we arrested him, he had drugs and two guns hidden in his car.

It was the end of my shift, I quickly clocked out and got into my car and went home.
I arrived there and saw people who where decorating then house with decorations and balloons, I signed in relief that I came early before they could start, I walked further into the house to see Sharon directing the people where they should put all the stuff,

" hey Sharon!"I said, it's being a while since I've seen her, she turned around and saw me she walked up to me engulfing me in a tight hug,

"Hey E it's been a while, how was work? Jacon came home grumbling saying he was tired and he was talking about covering for you!" She said laughing and rolling her eyes,

I chuckled shaking my head at my dramatic best friend,

"Don't mind his lazy ass, work was good" I said, she nodded contented,

" ok that's good, imma go back to what I was doing see you later" she said waling away the going back to what she was doing,

I walked upstairs to get freshened up.

I was bottoming my suit dress when Diana came in the room with a big smile, she was already dressed,

I knew already that she went to the nearby bakery to get the cake,i walked up to her raising her from the floor, she wrapped her legs around my waist, I placed soft kissed at the back of her ear going doing to her neck and sucked on it, she moaned...

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I knew already that she went to the nearby bakery to get the cake,i walked up to her raising her from the floor, she wrapped her legs around my waist, I placed soft kissed at the back of her ear going doing to her neck and sucked on it, she moaned out,

" boy you better not be giving me hickies" she said moaning at the same time,

"Can't I mark what's mine?" I asked still going at it,

"Yeah but not now baby, we're going to be late now" she said laughing softly, I brought her face closer to mine before giving her a deep kiss, I felt myself growing in my pants, she pulled away from the kiss and from me I guess she felt it too,

" sir I think you would want to do something about you're little friend over there" she smirked point her finger to my bulge, I groaned frustrated,

"I'll get you back don't worry" I said smaking her ass as she was about to walk out of the room,

"Boy bye you did all that by yourself " she said rolling her eyes,

"Meet us down stairs and don't take long" she said closing  the door on her way out, I groaned again before trying to relax.

I walked down stairs and quickly hide the adoption document under a gift that was placed on top of the table where everyone placed their gift, I walked into the living room seeing all my family, Jacob, Sharon, our nanny and Diana, I walked up to them and took Amelia from Diana's arms, she looked at me smiling with her few small teeth, I kisseed her all over her face as she giggled.

Happy new year my lovelies💛💛

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