Trip to home Pt 1

701 12 14

Peter's POV.

I'm really not in the mood to listen to Mr. Jacques rant about researching efficiently again but that's what he has decided to do this lesson. I listen to about the first 5 minutes before I start to lose the little bit of interest I had. Instead of going to sleep like most people would I decide to think about some new features I could add to my spider suit tonight in the lab with dad. You see, I'm Spider-Man and my dads are Tony Stark-Rodgers and Steve Rodgers-Stark. Most people know them as Ironman and Captain America but I know them as Dad and Pops. I am suddenly pulled out of my train of thought when I hear Mr Jacques say "field trip." I decide to listen to him now

"We are going to be going on a field trip this Friday so you will need to have your forms back by Thursday. That gives you 2 days to get them signed by your parents," mr Jacques explains. "Are there any questions?"

A few people raise their hands and mr Jacques points at Sarah to ask her question. "Where are we going?" She asks.

"Oh silly me. I forgot to tell you where we are going. Well we are going to... drum roll please.... Stark Industries." He replies sounding as excited as I can assume the rest of the class now is. 

Everyone cheers except for me. Instead I slink back into my chair and groan quietly. Great. Now I have to go on a field trip to my own home. Just great. Dad and pops are going to embarrass me so badly and then everyone will work out that I'm their son. I think as panic slowly rises in me. If only Aunty Pepper wasn't at a conference in Wakanda with Uncle T'challa. They are the only ones that could be able to stop the rest of my family from totally embarrassing me. Uncle Bruce would be the only other one that could possibly be sensible about it but he wouldn't be able to make the rest of the Avengers be sensible. 

Again my train of thought is interrupted but this time by Eugene (Flash) Thompson. "Hey penis, are you ready for your lies about being an intern with Tony Stark to be exposed?" He yells out. I just ignore him knowing that if I say anything he will just beat me up. Sadly mr Jacques also ignores him and asks Tilly to hand out the forms. 

Once I get my form I shove it in my bag and watch the clock for the last minute of class ready to go home. Hopefully Happy will be here to pick me up and take me home as soon as school finishes.

(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))  (this little guy is a time skip. Y'all can name it if you want)

As I walk through the Security scanner at home, Jarvis (my dad's AI) says "welcome back mini boss. Would you like me to inform boss that you are here?"

"Thanks Jarvis." I say walking into the private elevator. "Where is dad by the way?"

"He is in the lab. Would you like me to take you to him?" Jarvis asks.

"Yes please." I reply. By this point I have completely forgotten about the field trip and am just excited to tell dad about my plans for my suit. 

When I get up to the lab I put in my security code and walk in calling out , "Hey dad. I'm home."

"Hey kiddo. Im at the ideas table." Dad calls back. "How was your day?" He asks when I reach him. 

I tell him all about my day as we tinker with the ideas I am writing down at the same time. There is a reason we call it the ideas bench. For 1 it is the only space in the lab tidy enough to write down our ideas but it also somehow inspires us. Once I finish telling mhmm about my day I realise that I have told him about the field trip and know there is no way to hide it from him. 

He snickers a bit but let's it slide... for now.

We spend the next couple of hours working on our suits and then head up to the common room where pops and my aunts and uncles are AKA the rest of the Avengers. Other than Aunty pepper and uncle T'challa who are still in Wakanda. 

Pops is cooking dinner for everyone so I help set the table. Once he serves up everyone asks me how my day was and I groan internally. Dad doesn't let me respond as he pulls out the permission slip and starts to snicker again. 

"Well Petey here has a field trip this Friday." Dad says. "A field trip to here." 

Everyone starts to laugh except for uncle Bruce who just looks at me full of sympathy. "Please don't embarrass me guys." I say even though I know they will never let me live it down and will make this trip a living hell. 

"Sorry kiddo. I will try not to embarrass you but I can't make any promises." Pops says once he composes himself. 

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I groan as I roll out of bed know ing that today is going to be difficult. I had a long and boring patrol last night and ended up not getting much sleep. I hear my door open pops pokes his head in. "You ready for today?" He asks me already knowing that i am dreading it.

"Yeah I can't wait" I reply sarcastically. 

"Sorry I couldn't get you out of this. I tried talking to your dad last night but he already had his mind made up." Pops tries to comfort me. "Anyway breakfast is ready and Clint will eat all the pancakes if you don't hurry."

I rush out to see that there is one pancake let and decide to web it over to me so that Clint doesn't take it. I then walk over to the table, pancake in hand, and sit down next to auntie Tasha. She gives me a sympathetic smile and then starts to smirk.

"Sorry in advance Pete." She says. I groan and eat my breakfast so that I can just get the day over with.

A/N    Sorry to end to chapter here. Hope you like it. I will update sometime later this week. Maybe tomorrow maybe Friday. Idk. If y'all have any ideas that you want me to do let me know in the comments and I will try to do as many of them as I can.

✌️ 😀 ✌️ 

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