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A/N I love the soulmate and fieldtrip aus so I'm probably going to write more of them. Also this is more spideypool than irondad but Tony will still be Peter's dad.

Peter's POV

I can't wait to start hearing my soulmate. Dad told me about soulmates when I was 6 before he died. He told me that on our first day of high school we will get a telepathic connection to our soulmate. I will be able to hear the person that I am meant to be with's thoughts and feel their feelings. We are meant to be together, not in a way that is because of politics or because of family, but because our souls are drawn to each other and we are perfect for each other. He told me that it would happen on our first day of high school which is today so I am actually excited to go to school for once.

I'm in the car with Happy and Mr. Stark now and they are driving me to my new school, midtown prep. Ned is going there too. He is my best friend and we met in kindergarten (aka preschool I think?) so we are going to be in the same class like every other year. He was there for me when my parents died and we have been inseparable since.

"Hey Da-Mr. Stark? Is Miss Potts your soulmate?" I ask him hoping he doesn't notice I nearly said dad.

"Yeah. Why do you ask?" He replies.

"Well I heard that some soulmates don't end up together and are just really close friends instead of lovers and I was wondering because you seem like you are really close to Capsicle but you are with Miss Potts."

He chuckles when I say capsicle and then says, "that makes sense. Cap is just my best friend. Plus he was still in the ice when I started to hear my soulmate."

"Oh ok. Cool."

We sit in comfortable silence until we get to my school where I say bye to Happy and Mr. Stark and walk into the school. I went to middle school here too so I know my way around and head to my class.

When I get to the class I see Ned and head over to sit next to him.

"Hey Ned," I say.

"Hey Peter," he replies.

We do our super awesome hand shake and sit down. We catch up about our holidays until the teacher walks in.

"Hello class. I am Mr. Gonzales but most kids call me Mr. Speedy because I always win the teacher race on sports day," Mr. Gonzales starts talking to us. He looks like he is about to say something else but he is cut off by the bell.

'I wonder if I could catch a unicorn' I hear a random thought.

'Wait I didn't think that. Hello?' I mentally ask who I think is my soulmate.

'Omgomgomgomg I can hear you. The bell just went though? Omg we must be at the same school! I'm Wade.' My soulmate tells me.

'Omg that's so cool. I'm peter. What school do you go to?' I ask.

'Midtown Prep.'

'Omg same.'

'Cool. What class are you in?'

'Mr. Gonzales's.'

'Where are you sitting?'

'At the back on the left. Where are you?'

'I'm at the back on the right.'

I look over and see a boy with short brown hair, beautiful brown eyes, a sweet smile, pink lips, smooth skin and a little bit of stubble on his chin. He looks tall and strong. I smile at him thinking about how gorgeous he is forgetting that he can hear my thoughts. He walks over and sits next to me.

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