Trip to home Pt 2

484 12 6

( ^∀^) mini time skip

Peter's POV

As I step onto the bus I feel a push from behind as Flash barges past me.

"Move it penis" Flash calls back at me as he walks up to his gang of goons. "We don't want to be late because of you. That'd just make the Avengers even more mad that you've been lying about the internship." He sneers.

As usual I ignore him as I walk past him to the back of the bus to sit with Ned and MJ. They are my only friends at school and are the only ones who stick up for me against Flash. They are also the only ones, other than my family, that know I am Spider-Man and a Rogers-Stark not a Parker.

"Hey Pete," Ned says.

"Hey loser" MJ says, not looking up from her book.

"Hey guys," I reply as I sit down next to Ned. I put my headphones in knowing that Ned is going to fanboy the whole way there and won't mind if I stop listening. He even said to me that I could put my headphones in if he started rambling, which he has done.

I listen to music for the 15 minute drive until we pull up to the front of SI. Everyone on the bus starts talking excitedly and standing up ready to go into the building.

Mr Jacques stands up at the front of the bus and calls out for everyone to be quiet.

"Ok everyone I know you are excited but you all need to be on your best behaviour. We want to give our school a good reputation and that will not happen if a group of our students run amuck at Stark Industries." Mr Jacques warns.

He steps off of the bus so that we can go in. When we walk in we are greeted by Alex, one of the newer interns. I helped him get settled in last week. Hopefully he doesn't say my last name.

"Hi everyone. I am assuming you are the class from midtown for the 10:00 -3:30 tour?" He asks as I hide behind Ned and MJ.

"Yes. That's us." Mr Jacques replies.

"Cool. Let's get into it then. I am Alex and I will be your tour guide for today. If you could save your questions for the end that would be great." Alex starts explaining with a smile on his face. "You will all receive a security pass in a few moments so that you can get around the tower during the tour. You will all be receiving a level 2 pass as you are a tour. Everyone has access to the bathrooms however the different levels can access more areas as the level goes up. There are 5 levels.

Level 1 is for guests that are here for an interview or to deliver something and they will have access only to the areas leading to where they need to be and the bathrooms along the way.

Level 2 is for tours and paparazzi, hence you are getting level 2. You will have access to the rooms involved in the tour but only in the time allocated to that room plus a 5 minute buffer either end.

Level 3 is for interns and cleaners. They have access to the labs and the break rooms.

Level 4 is for the head interns and the medical workers. They have access to everywhere except for the Avengers living area and private facilities.

Level 5 is for the Avengers and their families and friends. They have access to the entire building.

Are there any questions?" Alex finishes explaining and takes a breath.

No one puts their hand up so Alex starts to hand out the passes starting on the opposite side of the room from me which I am thankful for.

When he gets to me he stops and starts to talk to me for a minute, "Hey Peter. I know you don't really need your pass but Tony Stark asked me to make sure that you have your pass so that the others don't suspect anything."

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