Soulmates part 5 (last part)

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"Hold on. Everyone as in the Avengers?" Flash asks.

"Uhh yeah," I say, scratching the back of my neck.

"Cool!" Wade and Flash say at the same time.

(╹◡╹)^_^ ( ◠‿◠ ) )^o^( (≧∇≦)this is Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall and Zayne and they are all secretly aliens from another planet. They are also time skips to when the guys get to the tower.

Tony's POV

I am working in my lab when JARVIS says, "Sir, Wade Wilson has entered the tower."

"Oh? Ok. I guess Peter decided to introduce everyone to his soulmate then," I reply.

"There is also another boy with them sir. His name is Eugene Thompson but Mr. Wilson and spider child seem to be calling him Flash."

At this I am extremely surprised. Why would Pete bring someone else with him and Wade? I decide to go up to the living area to find out. I go up the private elevator and walk into the living room to see Peter, Wade and "Flash" sitting on the couch cuddling.

"Hey Pete," I say to announce my presence.

"Oh. Hey dad," he replies.

"Hey tin can," Wade says.

"Just because you are my son's soulmate does not mean that you can call me 'tin can' Wilson."

"Haha yeah about that...' Peter says nervously.

"Yes?" I ask, dragging out the e.

"So basically I was sitting with Wade at the start of the day and we started hearing someone else talking in our heads. We both thought it was each other at first but then we realised that it was someone else. We figured out that it was the new boy in our class and that it was "Flash" and we took it surprisingly well that we have another soulmate. Then we hung out and got to know each other better and I found out that Wade and Flash both have shitty home lives so I invited the tower so that they don't have to worry about their families. I'm really sorry I didn't call or message you before. But I thought it would be okay because they are my soulmates and I thought you might want to meet them." Peter finally finishes.

"It's ok kiddo. They are welcome here any time," I reassure him. "But you all have separate rooms, understood?"

"Oh thank Thor," Peter sighs. "Thank you so much Dad. Can they have the empty rooms next to my room?"

"Yeah. I'll get JARVIS to buy them some things to personalize their rooms," I say. I'm going to have to talk to Pepper about this so that we can set some ground rules and find a way to get some of the others to take custody of Wade and Flash.

Peter leads Flash up the stairs to his room but Wade stays back for a minute.

"Hey uh... Mr. Stark, can I talk to you for a minute?" Wade asks me tentatively.

"Wade, you can call me Tony. You are my son's soulmate," I reply.

"I just want to say that I... uh... I only killed that guy in self defense. I didn't mean for him to die. I only stabbed his arm but he died in the hospital. It was before I had the- the accident and he had a gun to my head. I had no choice," he says ending in a shaky whisper.

"Wade, it's ok. I understand. I've been in your place before. You were in danger and in the heat of a fight. I was worried about you at first but from what Peter has told me and from what I have seen of you today, I'm not worried anymore," I reassure him. I didn't know the full story before but now that I do I'm not as worried about him.

"Thank you for letting me and Flash come over tonight," he says.

"That's fine. I'm going to get back to my work now but can you please tell Peter to let me know next time you are coming over?"

"Yeah. I'll let him know," he says with a smile.

(╹◡╹) ( ◠‿◠ ) this is Harry and Louis. They are just friends who happen to have chemistry on stage. They both have girlfriends so leave them alone. They are also a mini time skip to Peter's room.

Peter's POV

"Hey Wade, dad didn't scare you did he?" I ask Wade as he walks into my room.

"Hey Petey. No, he didn't scare me. I just wanted to let him know about some stuff he misunderstood then he told me that he's ok with me now. He also wanted me to tell you that next time you have us over to let him know," Wade replies with a smile on his face.

"Oh ok. I'm glad he's ok with you now," I say as I move over on my web seat, so that Wade can sit on it with me and Flash. Wade starts walking towards me and Flash but doesn't go to sit down next to me. Instead he sits on Me and Flash's laps, with his head on my shoulder and his legs tangling with Flash's. He ends up knocking us all over, so we end up in a pile on the floor.

"Wade," I whine. "Why did you have to do that?"

"Because I felt like it," Wade starts. 'And because you both looked so comfortable, I just had to see if you were.'

We all start laughing at the ridiculousness of it all and spend the rest of the afternoon cuddling and watching star wars.

Six Years Later (3rd Person)

"Wade Winston Wilson, do you take Peter Benjamin Stark and Eugene 'Flash' Thompson to be your lawfully wedded husbands?" Thor asks.

"I do," Wade responds as he holds one of each of his soulmate's hands.

"Peter Benjamin Stark, do you take Eugene 'Flash' Thompson and Wade Winston Wilson to be your lawfully wedded husbands?"

"I do," Peter responds with his Puppy Dog Eyes™.

"And Eugene 'Flash' Thompson, do you-"

"I do," Flash cuts Thor off.

"Then I now pronounce you husband, husband and husband. You may now kiss."

The three of them share a loving kiss in front of their family and the parents all shed a tear, Natasha straight up crying.

A/N I know it's another short chapter but I can't remember where I was going with it and I realised that I had some inconsistencies throughout, so here is a nice little ending to this story line.

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