Soulmate(s?) Part 3

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This is set directly after the last chapter btw

Peter's POV

Wade screamed the entire way to the tower but I know that by the end he was being dramatic. I swung into my room through the window with Wade still clinging onto me. I quietly laugh as I tell him that he can let go of me now. He shakes his head and hugs me tighter. I sigh knowing that I'm going to have to get him off somehow.

"Wade if you let go of me you can come back after school and we can have more cuddles," I try to coax him off.

"You promise?" He mumbles into my shoulder.

"I promise. Now get off you big oaf," I giggle.

He slowly gets down but hugs me for a few more seconds before stepping back. He's giving me a goofy smile and I can't help but return it.

"Let's go get some breakfast before we are late to school," Wade breaks the silence.

"Yeah. We don't want to miss out on Steve's choc chip pancakes."

We both run down the stairs to the common room and see the rest of the Avengers already sitting at the table. Dad turns and looks at us when he hears us run in.

"Hey Peter. Why don't you introduce us to your friend?" Dad says know full well who Wade is.

"Hey guys. This is Wade. He's my soulmate," I say shyly.

"Uhhh hey guys. Nice to see you again?" Wade stammers next to me.

I give him a questioning look and then look back at my family. They are all either looking confused or angry. They must have met him as Deadpool. This is going to be a hard one to explain.

"Ok so I'm guessing you guys have already met Wade aka Deadpool aka my SOULMATE so basic introductions aren't needed. You probably all think that Wade is a horrible person that kills people but he hasn't actually ever killed anyone. He has just helped SHIELD or helped to put bad people in prison in a slightly more aggressive way than me. If any of you try to hurt him or offend him in any way I will web you up outside the tower from the edge of the helipad and leave you there until someone else helps you out. And I'll use my permanent webs. Understood?" I say. I walk over to the table, pulling Wade with me, and sit down next to dad while Wade sits next to me.

I look around the table and can see that everyone knows that I was serious. I try to lighten the mood by smiling and joke saying, "Hey Uncle Steve, are you just going to stand there and let the pancakes burn or are you going to snap out of it and feed your starving family?"

Everyone laughs except for Aunty Nat who just smiles slightly which is about as close as she gets to laughing.

"Alright Peter. I was up to the last pancake anyway so everyone can dig in," uncle Steve says with a bright smile on his face.

While everyone is eating, Wade opens our mind link and we talk all through breakfast. He thanks me for sticking up for him but I tell him that that's what soulmates are for. Sticking up for each other and caring about each other.

)^o^( this is Niall. He is friends with Harry, Louis and Liam. He is also a friendly time skip to when Peter and Wade are at school because I don't know what to write.

Still Peter's POV

Wade and I wave goodbye to Happy as we get out of the car and head to our first class hand in hand. I give his hand a reassuring squeeze as we walk into the classroom as I can tell that he is anxious. We sit at the back of the class and see a new guy walk into the class. He must have had something on yesterday.

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