Peter's soul song

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A/N Please don't hate me for this. I am writing part 2 of soulmate(s) but got this idea and wanted to do it straight away.

Italics = flashbacks

Third Person

Midtown high was doing the unspeakable to try and get their students to be more honest. They were going to make everyone watch each other's soul songs over the next few weeks. There are some other schools doing it too and there are a lot of people who aren't happy about it. Especially one Peter Benjamin Parker. Everyone knows that most of his family is dead so he's not too worried about them finding out about that. He is more worried about the teeny tiny fact that he is Spider-Man. The worst part is that he is on the first day and they didn't find out about having to showcase their soul songs until they got to school on Monday.

A few people have their song displayed through a projector but they seem to have somewhat normal lives and their songs are happy songs. Some of the students start to relax knowing that they might be okay, but not Peter. He's up next and he has never been more stressed, even when he was literally holding up a building.

Peter's POV

There is no way the school won't know that I'm Spider-Man after this. And there are some things I really don't want to relive.

"Next up is Peter Parker," Mr. Harrington says, giving me a sorrowful look. He didn't like the idea of invading people's privacy either.

I walk onto the stage and sit down. I know there is no way to avoid this so I just have to let it happen.

Mrs. Drung attaches the machine to me and a piano starts playing.

A young Peter is playing with his mum and dad in their apartment. He is smiling and laughing and just having a good time.

The first line of my song plays.

Third Person

There was a time when I was alone

Nowhere to go and no place to call home

Peter is in a black suit at the age of 6. He has tears streaming down his face. His Aunt May and Uncle Ben are standing either side of him, both dressed in black and crying too. They are standing in front of a tombstone that has 'here lies Richard and Mary Parker' carved into it.

My only friend was the man in the moon

And even sometimes he would go away too

Peter is walking down a street away from a store when he hears a gunshot across the road. He looks over and sees his Uncle Ben collapsing. A look of guilt and pain crosses his face as he runs over to Ben. "Oh god No. Uncle Ben. Uncle Ben. CALL AN AMBULANCE. SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh god. No," Peter cries over his dead uncle's body.

Then one night as I closed my eyes

I saw a shadow flying high

Peter is making his first Spider-Man suit and his web fluids.

He came to me with the sweetest smile

Told me he wants to talk for a while

Peter is in the spider suit and is swinging through New York. He sees a mugging and stops it.

He said. "Peter Pan. That's what they call me

I promise that you'll never be lonely."

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