Bye bye Kiddo

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A/N this one will contain infinity war and endgame spoilers. I have based it off of them but have slightly altered the storyline. Up to the first time skip is mostly just me rewriting the end of Infinity War but I have changed some parts.

Tony's POV

"Mr. Stark. I don't feel so good," Peter says as he stumbles into my arms. 'Not him too' I think. "I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go." He repeats as he clutches onto me.

"It's ok Pete. You'll be ok." I try to comfort both of us. It's hard when you have just seen most of the people around you turn into dust and know that the same thing is about to happen to you 'not' son.

We stumble towards a chunk of the broken moon that was just thrown at me and Peter falls backwards, still holding on to me. I keep hugging him, holding onto the last moments I will get to have with him.

"I love you kid," I say knowing I won't get another chance.

"I love you too dad," Pete replies through tears.

I smile slightly when he calls me dad but it instantly fades when he starts to turn to dust in my arms. I let the tears I had been holding back fall. I hug him tighter for a few seconds until his body starts to disappear. I rest my hand on his cheek and he leans into it as his head is the last part of him to go. I try to comfort him until the very end as I promised myself I would if something happened. I just didn't think it would be so soon.

"Dad." Is the last thing that Peter whispers to me before he is gone.

He is gone.

What do I do now?

I'm stuck on some planet in space and my son has just died in my arms.

The one person who knew how we could win is gone.

So is my son.

Is he my son?

I'm going to adopt him if he ever gets back.

So yes he is my son.

How do I keep moving?

What do I do?

I am pulled out of my thoughts, which we're going in a downward spiral, by nebula. "Tony. We have to go." she tells me. "The only way we could even have a chance at getting your kid back is if we can find the rest of the survivors."

"R-right. How do we get back then?" I ask trying not to let her get my hopes up. I can't lose him twice.

Wade: "Why are you doing this to him?"

Author: "Wade what the hell are you doing here? You aren't even in the story yet. Get back on your own side of the wall and don't interrupt me when I'm writing an emotional part."

Wade: "Fine. But you better give this a happy ending"

Author: "Bye Wade"

W('0')W time skip 1 year

He's been gone for a year and I still can't let go. I was stuck in space for a month with a blue alien girl with time to move on and I still can't. I don't think I have even finished grieving yet. Pepper is pregnant though. I can't wait for the little bundle of joy to come. I hope I'm a better dad to it than my dad was to me.

I decide it is time to get up for the day. I've been laying in b3d thinking for the last 5 minutes and if I don't hurry up to get ready I'm going to miss the Avengers meeting. I head out into the common room/lounge room to see that everyone else is already up. Capsicle has made waffles for us all and point break already has 3 on his plate. I'm surprised to see the giant guy from Germany though. He seems to be confused and excited at the same time.

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