Soulmate(s?) Part 2

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We spend lunch talking about how our days have been so far and about other random things. The bell goes and we all head to our next classes. I have my last few classes with Wade which is awesome.

'Hey Wade. Do you think we will be able to sit together in the next few classes?'

'I hope so. I wouldn't know though. You are the one that went here for middle school.'

'True. Let's hope for the best.' I smile at him. 

This is Louis. He is also friends with Harry and Liam ( ◠‿◠ ) skip to after school at the compound.

Tony's POV

"Hey kiddo, how was school?" I ask Peter as he walks into my lab. I noticed him nearly call me dad earlier today so I thought I would try to get him to say it again. He looks happy so I can only assume that he had a good day.

"Hey Mr. Stark. School was awesome. I got to spend most of the day with my soulmate and the teachers were all really considerate about the whole hearing each other's thoughts thing," Peter replies with a glimmer in his eyes.

"That's awesome. Who is your soulmate?" I am so happy that he got to find his soulmate straight away.

"His name is Wade Wilson. He is in most of my classes so we can get to know each other more. We both already know most of what we are learning."

I feel my face pale when he says Wade Wilson. I can't believe that his soulmate is Deadpool. This can't end well. "Wade Wilson? As in Wade Winston Wilson?"

"Yeah... how did you know his middle name?" Peter seems worried now.

"He's got powers too. He has insanely fast healing and can't die. Peter he's Deadpool," I tell him. There's no point in hiding it from him.

"Oh. Ohhhh. Oh no. Doesn't he kill people. Oh god. This is bad," Peter is very clearly panicking.

"Kid. Peter. You need to calm down. It's Ok. He's never actually killed anyone. He has just taken bad people down so that SHIELD or the FBI could come and get them. It's ok Pete." I try to calm him down knowing that if I don't he will have a panic attack and that Deadpool hasn't actually killed anyone.

"Ok. Ok. I think I need to talk to Wade for a bit."

"Ok Pete. If you need me I'll be in the lab. You can come down and help out if you want to once you have finished talking with Wade," I tell him. I really hope that he can work things out.

Peter's POV

I walk up to my room and wait until I have shut the door until I open my connection with Wade.

'Hey Wade,' I think, trying not to freak him out.

'Hey Petey. What's up?' He almost sounds nervous.

'I know you're Deadpool. Dammit that sounded way too harsh. I told dad about how we met in the first class and he asked for you name so I told him and then he knew your middle name and I was confused so he told me that you're Deadpool.'

'Oh. Please don't hate me. I haven't killed anyone. I may have put many people in hospital but I have never killed anyone. Was experimented on and then SHIELD somewhat took me in and recruited me at the same time when they found out that I can't die. I'm so so sorry I didn't tell you. Also you said dad before.'

'What do you mean I said dad. Oh. And I'm not mad that you didn't tell me. I can't believe you had to go through that. I guess we both have a messed up past.'

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