Soulmates Part 4

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This is a mini filler

The bell goes after a few seconds so we close the mind link and start heading to our next class.

(≧∇≦)this is Zayne. He is friends with Harry, Niall, Liam and Louis. They are all in a band together. He is also a time skip to the end of the school day just before the bell.

Peter's POV

The bell is about to go and I can tell that Wade and Flash are both nervous. I have a feeling that it is about going home after school today so I decide to open our mind link.

'Hey guys. Do you want to come to the tower after school today to get to know each other a bit better?' I ask them.

'Yeah that sounds nice. It'll be nice to have someone to spend time with tonight,' Flash thinks.

'Yeah I agree. It'd be nice to have someone to be around,' Wade thinks.

'Cool I'll text dad to let him know that you guys are coming.'

I close the mind link again and pay attention for the last few minutes of class until the bell goes. We grab our bags and walk out of the class talking about what we are going to do when we get to the tower. I lead Wade and Flash to Happy's car and we all get into the back seat.

"Hey kid, how was your day?" Happy asks.

"Hey Happy. My day was awesome. This is Wade and Flash," I say pointing to them as I say their names. "They're my soulmates."

"Cool. Hi Wade and Flash."

"Hi mr. Happy" Wade and Flash both say.

Happy puts up the divider and starts driving us to the tower.

"Are you sure it is ok for us to go to the tower?" Flash asks.

"Yeah. Dad has said that I can have people over whenever as long as I get my homework done. And I'm sure that everyone would love to meet you two," I reply.

Wade and Flash both relax a bit and we have a few moments of silence.

"Hold on. Everyone as in the Avengers?" Wade asks.

"Uhh yeah," I say, scratching the back of my neck.

"Cool!" Wade and Flash say at the same time.

I've got some more written but it doesn't make sense if I upload what I have got of that scene yet because it isn't finished and I stopped halfway through a sentence. I've had more motivation to write recently so hopefully I can get the rest of this story out soon. Thank you all for the support and for all the reads. I can't believe that I actually have more than 1000 reads already! 

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