Valentines Day

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Sakura's POV

6:45am February 14th

I was already up making sure I looked extra cute today! I had already wrapped up the chocolates I had made for Sasuke the night before

"Sakura hurry up we're going to be late!" I heard Ino call for me from outside my window"

"Shh you're going to wake the whole neighborhood up!" I stuck my head out to respond

But class does start in 15 minutes so I should be leaving!

I grabbed my coat and bag and dashed down the stairs to meet her.

"No Sasuke today?" She asked as we started to walk

"I told him not to walk me today so I could surprise him at school" I showed her the wrapped candy

"Wow! Those look so cute!" She admired them

"What are you getting sai?" I asked curiously

"He's getting his surprise after school" Ino winked at me

"I-Ino!" I blushed shoving her

She let out an obnoxious laugh "relax it's just flowers I didn't wanna walk around with them is all" she shrugged

"Knowing you I can never be too sure" I muttered


Naruto's POV

"So like what's the deal you guys aren't fighting again are you?" I asked as I found Sasuke suspiciously walking alone to school

"Of course not- would you mind your own business for once and quit following me?" He responded annoyed

"We go to the same school how am I supposed to get there without following you??" I barked back

"Fine then just don't stand so close I don't need people thinking we're friends"

I let out a gasp

"And here I thought we had something special going"

"Naruto please stop making a scene"

"Tell me Sasuke when did you stop caring about me" I got teary eyed

"Please stop people are staring"

I wrapped my arm around him "hehehe you're a funny guy you know that"

"I hate you."

We made our way to the main entrance of the school and over to the lockers

"Now could you stop following me?" Sasuke asked again

"No way I wanna see your locker" I pointed down the hall

"What? Why?" He asked as if he didn't already know

"Duh it's February 14th that ring any bells for ya?" I tried to remind him

"What are you trying to say?" He asked playing dumb

"You always get the most chocolates it's ridiculous- and I know you don't like sweets so I was some"

"You're the only ridiculous thing around here I have a girlfriend I doubt anybody would give me any-"

As he opened his locker a giant pile of cards, flowers, and candy fell to the floor

We both stared at it

It was more than I could've imagined


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