Chapter 6

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Sakura's POV

My face was pressed up against the glass of the taxi as we got closer to the park, I felt like such a little kid I was way too excited!

I tried to compose myself but once the taxi stopped I hopped right out!

"Can you believe this place?" I asked sasuke gazing up at the entrance.

"Looks even better than what I imagined that's for sure" sasuke said with a mildly impressed  look on his face as he got our bags from the back of the taxi.

"Oh! Let me help!" I said reaching for my bag but sasuke pulled back.

"I got it" he smiled

I could feel my face light up "why thank you"

We made our way to the lobby and got checked in. Everything was so clean and colorfully decorated.

It was really hard for me to imagine sasuke picking such a place if I'm being honest.

"Here are you go! Enjoy your stay!" The receptionist handed us our keys and smiled.

I could feel my heart bouncing around! I practically skipped to the elevator.

Sasuke on the other hand somehow looked exhausted already, I guess the atmosphere really isn't his thing.

We got to the room and sasuke placed our bags down on the couch.

There was a small kitchen and living room area in one room and a separate room where the bed and bathroom were.

"So what should we do first?" I turned to sasuke and asked

Sasuke was glaring at his phone before dropping it into his pocket and facing me with a calmer expression "let's get changed and head to one of the parks" he suggested

Strange I wonder what he was looking at just now?

"Um sure" I agreed and grabbed my bag "I'll change in here ok?" I brushed it off and smiled going into the bathroom.


Sasuke's POV

ugh great.

I asked Karin to help me plan this and now she won't leave me alone.

It's like Karin purposefully chose the most ridiculous place ever. Sakura is going to think I'm some little kid or something.

Talk about humiliating, Karin described it very differently to me before.

I just hope Sakura doesn't find out I asked for her help, I know they don't get along but I didn't have much of a choice.

She's the only girl I'm friends with that isn't an immediate friend of sakuras.

Besides it would be embarrassing if she knew I couldn't think of anything on my own.

I felt my phone buzz In my pocket and oh surprises it was Karin... again.

Her message was just a reminder to "act unimpressed" otherwise Sakura might lose interest in me.

It doesn't make a lot of sense to me but girls will be girls I guess.

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