Chapter 4

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Sasuke's POV

The weather was nice and I had the day off so I invited Sakura for a day out, things were going pretty well but she was acting different from usual.

"Something on your mind?" I asked

She flinched then looked up at me "No! Nothing at all!" She faked a smile

Sakura's not good at lying.

"You know you can tell me" I said

"Everything is fine! Honest!" She said taking a hold of my hand

It wasn't like her to keep things from me, so I figured it was as good a time as any to tell her the surprise I had set up for next week.

"Sakura.." I stopped walking to get her attention.

She stopped and looked up at me.

Damn now I'm nervous.

I went into my pocket and pulled out two tickets to an  overnight trip at an indoor waterpark I had planned on telling her about.

She looked at the tickets for a while but didn't say anything so I figured I should say something.

"I was going to wait until our anniversary to tell you but you've seemed kinda down lately so I-" before I could finish I felt a tight embrace around me

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"I was going to wait until our anniversary to tell you but you've seemed kinda down lately so I-" before I could finish I felt a tight embrace around me

"THANK YOU SASUKE!" She squeezed me so tight I thought I was going to snap in half...

"You're right I have been down lately over something stupid! I'm sorry!" She apologized for whatever reason and looked up at me.

I smiled down at her "well I'm glad you feel better" I said to her.

After that she changed completely, tickets held tightly against her and a smile plastered on her face.

She walked like she was floating on air. What a dork.

I tried not to laugh and luckily she didn't notice .

————( time skip )————

We decided to head over to Sakura's place after a while and we both sat up in her room for a bit.

Her parents were home and very awkward as usual. Whenever they're around we have to keep Sakura's bedroom door open and they check in with creepy grins on their faces.

You'd think they'd get use to the idea of me being around by now...

"Sasuke~ did you want anything to eat? Drink?" Sakura's mom walked in for the fifth time already

"I'm fine thank you" I said spinning in Sakura's desk chair.

"Mooom you don't have to keep asking! I'll get him something when he's hungry" Sakura rolled her eyes

"Ok ok~ just making sure!" And just like that she was gone again.

"So when are you going to tell them about the trip?" I asked stopping the spinning chair to face her.

"Probably the day of- and that its with Ino so they don't have panic attacks" she replied laughing 

"Good idea, make sure you get Ino on board" I said smiling

"Right! I'll call her now!" She said taking her phone out.

While she was calling I got up and pointed to the bathroom where Sakura waved me off.


Sakura's POV

I called Ino as Sasuke left my room to the bathroom.

"Ino! I need to ask a huge favor!" I said once the phone stopped ringing

"Nows not the time! I need you to come over ASAP!" Ino said

I sat up confused "what why what's going on?" I asked panicked

"It's about Sasuke! Hinata found some stuff out that I think you should see!" She said

"I'm with Sasuke right now at my place he just went to the bathroom?" I explained

"What?! Is his phone there?" Ino asked

I looked around the room and saw his phone on my desk

"Uh yeah why?" I got up and walked to my desk

"Ok I need you to check something on it!" Ino said

"W-what?! I'm not going through his phone ??" I tried to keep my voice down and looked behind me to make sure Sasuke hadn't come back yet

"You have to! Check his recent messages for a girl named Karin" Ino sounded serious

I tip toed and peeked out the hallway to see Sasuke was still in the bathroom then closed my bedroom door slowly and ran back to his phone.

Luckily I knew his password so it was easy to get in.

"I don't see any recent messages by anyone" I whispered

This felt so wrong! What's all of this about anyway?

"Keep looking! I heard this girl really likes Sasuke!" Ino said

"Yeah- a lot of people do! What is this all about??" Just then I heard the bathroom door open so I turned his phone off and set it back on the desk running back to my bed.

"I gotta go- he's back!" I whispered hanging up.

I sat up nervously as Sasuke walked in. He raised an eyebrow at me and asked "So what did Ino say?"

"Huh-oh! Uh I forgot to ask" great I really did forget to ask!

"Make sure you do, either that or you tell your parents the truth" he smirked at me.

I could feel my cheeks getting hotter when suddenly sasuke's phone rang.

I only got a glance. I think it said something Uzumaki ?

That's right him and Naruto are in the same class doing some sort of project.

Just then Sasuke stood back up and walked towards the door again "I gotta head out" he said.

"So soon? Want me to walk with you?" I asked getting up

"That's alright I can manage" Sasuke gave me a kiss and walked himself out.

"See you soon" I said watching him go.

I wish Sasuke would open up to me more..


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