Chapter 11

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Naruto's POV

I feel like Sakura is getting worse lately.

The last time we were together was the cafe three days ago. I walked her home and that was the last of it.

I don't know what I did wrong but it's like she doesn't want to see me anymore.

Looking down at my phone she hasn't answered any of my messages. I even called- just once though.

I left a pretty awkward voice message when she didn't answer.

hope she doesn't laugh.

We've been spending a lot of time together lately it made me so happy.

The more I think back the less it makes sense? Maybe I offended her? Was I too clingy ?

Maybe I'm the only one it made happy ?

Tossing my phone to the side I let out a sigh.




"That's it I'm going to check on her" I finally decide to see her.

I get out of bed and throw a coat on.

Sakura's house is across town so the fastest way to get there is by train. I never used to take the train. I got a pass just to see her.

I've been doing a lot of things just to see her.

Sakura is special to me and I want to make sure she's doing alright.

Visiting her today felt like a good idea but the closer I get the more I feel like I shouldn't be going at all.

It's like I'm losing my nerve.

I try to shake this feeling as I board the train.

Am I really just annoying her?

The train starts to move and I start to feel this indescribable discomfort within myself.

I feel a cold sweat drip down my neck as the train makes it's way one stop at a time.

What's happening to me?

I try to calm myself down and stare out the window at the world passing by.

The train is going so fast it's making me dizzy. Maybe the cold is just giving me a headache.

I rub my eyes taking in a deep breath before letting out a sigh.

The train stops and the doors slide open. This is where I should get off.

'You're annoying'

My legs won't move.

'Take a hint'

Come on! Move !!

'She doesn't want you around'

'She's only thinking of Sasuke when you're with her'

'Leave her alone'

I start to feel my body shake as these thoughts come into my mind.

'You're making a fool of yourself'

I start to feel panicked as the doors begin to close and I still can't move my feet.

It's like a nightmare.

It's not until the doors close completely that my body regains control of itself and I push myself forward.

I slam my fist against the closed doors and get strange looks from the other passengers as I slowly slide into one of the seats and the train begins to move again.

Annoying Lover (Sakura x Sasuke) Where stories live. Discover now