Chapter 10

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Sasuke's POV

This is just perfect.

Everyone in town seems to think I'm some cheater. I haven't been able to see Sakura for weeks.

And now she's all buddy buddy with that idiot Naruto.

What did I do to deserve this?

If only she'd talk to me I could explain it was all just a big misunderstanding.

I've been walking aimlessly for a while now. I can't stand to sit at home but I have nowhere to go.

It's like the weather matches my mood, it's been getting colder and gloomier by the day.

I pull my jacket shut and keep walking through town.

As I walked I couldn't believe what I saw. pink hair in the corner of my eye

My neck practically snapped as I immediately look towards her as she walked into a cafe with him.

I turned on my heel to fully face them.

I follow them with my gaze through the glass windows as they sit down and begin to order

They haven't noticed my staring as I'm across the street.

I don't know what they're saying but seeing them together infuriates me.

As strange as it sounds I could feel myself glaring I was so focused I lost touch with what was around me.

"She's moved on. Maybe it's time you do the same" I heard Karin say now next to me.

I have no idea when she got there.

I don't even bother to look at her.

"You can ignore me all you like you know I'm right" she kept going...

I couldn't stop myself from staring at Sakura through the window.

I know exactly what she's ordering, I also noticed she's wearing a coat I got her for Christmas the year before.

That made me happy somehow.

Looking at her even from here...She's so beautiful.

"You're like some kind of stalker that's really creepy you know!" I could hear Karin take a step closer to my side.

"Leave me alone" I said calmly and kept staring.

What I do is none of her business.

"Guess she wasn't in love with you after all- they way she moved on so quick I mean" she mocked.

I felt a pain in my chest at the thought of that being the case.

Sakura not loving me?

That can't be right. There's no way...

"I know you're hurting right now" Karin slipped an arm around me

"I can make you feel better.. you'll forget all about her I promise"  she rested her head on me.

I pull myself away from her grasp and finally face her.

I didn't say anything and just walked away from her. I can't stand to be here anymore.

"She's over you! Why can't you see that?" She called out her voice echoing causing bystanders to stare.

I just kept walking.

How did this all happen? I can't tell if it's Karins fault or my own.

Annoying Lover (Sakura x Sasuke) Where stories live. Discover now