Chapter 5

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Ino's POV

"Just leave it to me!" I assured Sakura.

It was the day she had to leave for her romantic trip.

"Thanks Ino I knew I could count on you! My parents would have never let me go if they knew that Sasuke was going" she smiled.

She had come to my house with her suitcase as we both waited for Sasuke patiently.

We went over the plan one last time in case her parents called me for whatever reason I would have to answer as if I were with her.

After that I noticed her check her phone as sasuke himself had sent a text.

"Are you excited? I'm sure you are!" I was so happy for Sakura as I knew she had been so upset lately

"Are you kidding?? I didn't get any sleep last night! And I'm pretty sure I overpacked" we both glanced at her whole suitcase

"Well.. yeah... it is just one night" I said realizing she really had overpacked.

We both began to laugh.

"He's on his way! Oh god I'm nervous!" She started blushing and panicking. Sakura can be so cute sometimes!

"Oh relax it's not like it's your first night alone together" I gave her a wink.

"What do you mean? Of course it is?" She said staring blankly at me.


Oh no...

"Hang on Sakura are you telling me you and sasuke haven't..." I looked at her

"Haven't what? This is our first overnight trip together how am I supposed to ha-OH WAIT" she finally understood what I was getting at

"I HADNT THOUGHT OF THAT" she was practically screaming now

Her face was bright red and now she was REALLY panicking

"Woah Sakura calm down! You guys have been dating for like ever ????" I asked. I was so sure they were the type to do these kinds of things?

"INO ARE YOU CAZY?? DO YOU AND SAI?" She got up and kept yelling

"Well yeah?? And Sakura keep your voice down!" I put my hands over her mouth and tried sitting her down

"Do you think this is what this is? Sasuke was tired of waiting and that's what this trip is for??" She asked

"Um.. probably?" I answered unsure of what to say

"I need to go home." She said with a drained look in her eye.

"What?! Sasuke is on his way you can't leave now?" I said

"INO, I did NOT pack the type of panties for this!" She said as if that were an actual problem right now

"Oh Sakura grow up he won't care!" Just as I said that I heard the door bell ring

"Speak of the devil" I said getting up

"Eek! I'm hiding in your bathroom!" Sakura slammed the door.

I let out a sigh and opened the front door surprised at who I saw.

I let out a sigh and opened the front door surprised at who I saw

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