Chapter 12

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Sakura's POV

I've decided to stay away from boys for a while.

No sasuke.

Even though I'd want nothing more than to be with him.

No naruto.

Even when all he has done is shown me kindness when I needed it the most.

Ino was nice enough to let me stay with her until I got better.

I even kept my phone off the entire time.

My parents know the Yamanaka's well enough for them not to worry too much so they were fine with it.

"It's so nice having you around! Like a little sister!" Ino said cheerfully as I helped her redecorate her room.

"I'm 6 months older than you" I reminded her

"Oh whatever" she handed my another potted plant.

"You have so many flowers- which ones this one?" I asked placing it on her desk.

"For someone named after a flower you're surprisingly ignorant" she handed me another.

"Just answer the question Ino pig" I placed the pot down and accepted the next one.

"Those are Japanese Anemone flowers. They are dainty and require a lot of attention. HEY! You should change your name to Anemone!" Ino joked

I rolled my eyes

"By the way I never really asked but, How are your parents handling the news about you and sasuke ?" Ino suddenly asked

I gave her a weak smile before answering

"About that..."


"It never came up! Besides you know how much my parents loved sasuke !" I tried explaining

"Sakura it has been WEEKS!"

I frowned and looked at the flowers

"It's not that I didn't think to tell them. I just feel like once I do it'll be that much more real you know?" I admitted

"A part inside of me still feels like this is all some kind of dream and that sasuke and I will be together again" I continued

"As nice as that sounds you need to focus on reality" Ino stated bluntly with a worried expression on her face

"Do you think sasuke has told his family yet?" I asked more to myself than anything else

"Who knows. I mean he lives alone right ? He probably hasn't seen them yet"

I let out a sigh and a cloud of gloom began to hover over my being

"Hey cut that out! I'm sorry I brought it up cheer up now!"

"That's easier said than done"

Ino put her hands on her hips and raised a brow at me.

"You know what you need?" She finally asked

Annoying Lover (Sakura x Sasuke) Where stories live. Discover now