✨ Final Chapter ✨

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Sakura's POV

Oh great im running late!

Its been two months since Itachi's party.

With winter finally coming to an end it really felt like a new start welcoming in the spring

I make my way out of the train station and head for the park where I should have been 10 minutes ago

Time has gone by so quickly I almost cant believe it

Naruto made a full recovery after that doorman promptly kicked his butt. I made sure to visit him the following day and thank him properly.

He really did a lot for me during this whole fiasco. I owe him big time.

He's not the only one effected from Itachi's infamous party either.

Apparently Itachi lost all credit card privileges for a while once his father found out about his little prank on Sasuke

As for Karin she is now in a mental institute where she will spend the rest of her days in a straight jacket

Haha just kidding

She has been seeking counseling however with some reluctant help from Suigetsu.

As for Sasuke and I-

"Sorry im late!" I finally get to the park bench bending over to catch my breath

"Tsk tsk 16 minutes Ill have to punish you for that later"

"Pfft" I held my hands over my mouth trying not to laugh

"Ready?" He asked

"You bet!" I smiled

Sasuke wrapped his arm around me as we began to walk

We decided we needed a fresh start. Everything was different- yet the same

All those things that made me anxious before aren't entirely gone yet but were leaning to work everything out together. The way things should have been from the start

No more secrets.

If I feel like something is up I will tell Sasuke directly. And in return if he needs advice I'm here for him as well.

It wasn't easy at first we were both hurt in different ways. It helped that we decided to not argue over who was right or wrong. Its all behind us now as we try to focus on the present and possibly even our future.

"Alright close your eyes were almost there" Sasuke took my hand and began to walk ahead of me to guide me.

"I better not run into anything" I joked

I wasn't able to joke around with him before. I was almost afraid to be myself. It wasn't right of me to glorify him the way I did before.

"I got you don't worry" he assured me

We suddenly stopped

"Open your eyes"

When I did I saw Sasuke had set up a private picnic underneath a tree.

"A little cold out for this don't you think?" I asked

"Damn I didn't think about that" he let his shoulders fall in defeat

I let out a laugh and sat down.

At least he's trying- Sasuke was able to open up and be more of himself around me too. He's a lot dorkier than I realized.

He never quite said what was on his mind before. I'm grateful for this change most of all.

"If it gets too cold let me know and we can move somewhere inside or something" he sat down next to me

I sat closer to him and let my head rest on his shoulder

" I wouldn't change a thing"

He kissed the top of my head and in that moment everything was perfect.

I finally felt at peace.

The End (sorta)

Annoying Lover (Sakura x Sasuke) Where stories live. Discover now