Chapter 8.5

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Karin's POV

I couldn't help but feel a little giddy watching Sakura storm off like that.

Everything has gone so perfect! Now I can finally have sasuke to myself!

I reach out to try and take his arm again but he yanks it back

"What is wrong with you" he glared at me coldly

Suddenly I felt the mood change drastically.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked playing dumb

"You need to stop you gave Sakura the wrong idea" he said in a harsh tone

"I gave Sakura the wrong idea-?" How could he say that to me? I have HER the wrong idea ??

"you're the one who keeps coming over in secret!" I yelled back

"Karin you and I both know the reason I come here is nothing like that" he lowered his voice

"W-well this is all your fault you know! You can't have me to the side like this! It's not fair! You knew how I felt so you must of known what you were doing!"

"Do you even hear yourself ? You're so far from reality you're starting to believe in this alternate version of me" his face scrunched as if he smelt something rotten

"So what I mean nothing to you then? I made it ALL up?"

"Compared To Sakura you mean nothing to me." He said coldly  then turned his back on me.

"I can't believe after all I've done for you you're just going to leave me!"

"I was never with you. And admit it you only 'helped' me to try and get me away from Sakura"

"Took you long enough to figure out you idiot! What girl would want a guy who's sneaking around and being rude! Fine! Hate me! See if I care you still won't get Sakura back!" I slammed the door in his face

I could hear his foot steps walk away after a moment as I slid down feeling hot tears stream down my face as my whole body began to shake.


Sasuke's POV

I'm such an idiot for trusting Karin.

All I have to do is go to Sakura and explain what happened I'm sure she'll understand.

I take my phone out and start to call her cell the phone goes straight to her voicemail.

It's turned off?

Which way was she headed before ?

I'm sure even an idiot like naruto is capable enough to walk her home so I head there.

It's already dark out as I make my way over I think of ways to clear the air. But how will I do that without seeming like the biggest moron on the face of the planet?

Unfortunately I get to her house before thinking of a solid plan.

Whatever here goes nothing.

I knock on the door and wait.

No answer.

She must be really upset.

I knock again I bit harder when her mom opens the door she immediately smiles when she sees me.

That's strange. Didn't she notice Sakura upset when she got home?

"Sasuke what a surprise! Please come in! Sakuras not home just yet but I'm sure she'll be excited to see you!" She said cheerfully

She's not home?

"Thank you but I just stopped by to see her I didn't know she wasn't home I'm sorry for disturbing you" I said declining her offer

"That's such a shame I was just going to make dinner too are you sure you can't stay?" She insisted

"Yes I'm sure. Next time I'll even help cook if you like" I said nervously covering the fact that Sakura and I probably don't even have a relationship right now

"What a wonderful idea! Oh you're so wonderful! Make sure to come again soon!"

We exchanged our goodbyes as I start to run around town trying to figure out where Sakura is.

"Ino do you know where Sakura is?" I said calling going down the list of sakuras friends I had in my contacts

"Some nerve- you should leave her alone!" *Click*

She hung up .

I kept going down the list getting similar responses from the girls and no answer from the guys.

Lastly I remember that idiot from before and call naruto.

I hear the long dial tone as I keep making my way downtown walking fast faces pass and I'm home bound dadadadadad

Voicemail- no answer.


I stop to rest at a park. I sit on one of the empty swings and stare down at my phone.

I clench my phone before trying sakuras phone one last time.

It rang but suddenly stopped.


I froze hearing his voice

"Hello??? Is this a prank call?"

That idiot. Is still with Sakura.

I end the call.


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