Chapter 10 - Maven

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We landed at the edge of Tuck, on the shore. That's where we left the plane and hiked toward the center of the former Scarlet Guard Base.

"Did he say exactly where he would be?" Mare asks, glancing around.

"No." I reply, cursing myself for not being specific enough.

"I think I found them," Evangeline says, her brow furrowed in concentration. She pointed toward a barrack. "Jeez, that's a lot of guns." Mare and I glance at each other, worried. We haven't brought many weapons as a show of peace, but if they ambush us, we would be completely outnumbered, weapon-wise and ability-wise.

We slowly entered the barrack to find Premier Davidson, flanked by a politician I remember was called Radis, and a young woman with deep golden skin and dark brown hair. Mare stiffens at the sight of her.

"Ah, Maven Calore. It's a pleasure to meet you." Davidson begins, "This is Leonide Radis and Ada Wallace." Ada Wallace. The name rings a bell. She was one of the newbloods Mare recruited. She could process information like wildfire.

"The pleasure is all mine, Premier," I say, "This is Evangeline Samos, and as you know, Mare Barrow. Now that we are done with the pleasantries, I wish to begin discussing reforming Norta so it is more equal for Silvers, Reds, and Newbloods, or Ardens, as you call them."

"Well, first you must be willing to act," Davidson raises an eyebrow at me. I feel my blood boil. He doesn't think I am capable of change. However, if growing up in the Royal Court has taught me anything, it's how to wear a silver mask.

"Do not doubt my willingness, Premier. The fact that I am standing here right now, against the will of my country, should prove my commitment to this cause." I look straight into his eyes, daring him to challenge me. Davidson simply smiles. It takes every ounce of stregnth I have not to lunge forward and rip out his throat.

"Very well, Maven. The first step would be to end the war. We will not ally with you unless you do this. Then, you will have to convince the Silver court that equality is the best way."

"And what about the Scarlet Guard? I can not convince anyone that they are innocent unless they stop raiding us." Davidson arched another infuriating eyebrow. That fucking mask. I wanted to rip it off.

"They are..." Stubborn. Annoying. Violent. "determined in their cause. I'm not sure how much sway we hold with them, but we will try. After you end the Norta Lakelands war, that is." I frowned. So it all came down to ending the war. But why was Davidson so keen on that?

I couldn't see any underlying motives besides helping stop the flow of dead Reds, but he was a tricky man. Never fight someone who is smarter than you. I can hear Instructor Arven's words in my head. I shake them off.

"We agree to your terms." I say flatly, scanning Davidson's face for any flicker of emotion beyond neutrality. There is none.

"Lovely. Ada," Davidson snaps his fingers and the newblood whips out a contract. It reads:

A/N: Sorry if this part's bad, I have no idea how to write a contract

Maven Calore, current King of Norta agrees to effectively end the Lakelander war, in exchange for Dane Davidson, current Premier of Montfort agreeing to ally with Norta in their struggle for blood equality

Maven Calore signed: ____________________

Dane Davidson signed:____________________






I read through the statement several times to make sure I didn't walk into a trap, before signing it. Once the paper had been passed around, Davidson nodded once at us, and left, Ada and Radis following.

"Well, that went better than I thought," Mare says, watching the three of them leaving Tuck via submarine, "Not much better, but slightly better is better than slightly worse."

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