Chapter One: The Boy Who Couldn't Care Less

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(A/N: Hi! Thanks for reading just wanted to say that Ladybug and Chat Noir don't exist in this world. And I made the characters a lot more sarcastic. LMAO- BAI)

Luka's POV

"That whole soulmates idea is shit.  How do you fall in love with someone from just knowing the fact that you're made for each other?  Seems pretty stupid to me."

"Maybe that's just because you haven't really met them... You'll know." Juleka teased as she played with her girlfriend, Rose's hair.

As soon as Juleka turned seventeen she had found out her soulmate was, Rose.

On our seventeenth birthday she saw a mark on her hand and looked behind her to see Rose smiling with the same mark, and a pen.

They had become inseparable ever since... but then there was me-

As, single as can be- having a bag of cheetos and a Mountain Dew for breakfast.

Maybe that's why I was single...

"It's not fair! We're twins! How can you get your soulmate before me!"

(A/N or Author's Note): Just pretend their twins in this story.)

"Oh?" Juleka raised her eyebrows, "I thought you didn't care~" she teased.

I pouted as we got our bags and left for school.

"It could very well be that your soulmate isn't seventeen yet and can't activate her "string." Juleka continued.

"We're still talking about this?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah who knows you're soulmate could be ten years old and you could be a pervert." She teased even more.  Rose giggled behind her.

Once everyone turns seventeen some weird thing called the "string" is activated.  You can't really see it but you and your soulmate become connected somehow. The string can be pulled, knotted, but never broken.

In order to communicate with them you can doodle or write on your hand. If your soulmate isn't also seventeen whatever you draw on your hand won't show until they come of age.

I've tried it a couple of times since I turned seventeen.  Nothing. Either they are underaged or they know they have a soulmate and they just don't want me.

I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case. 

It had only been four months since I had turned seventeen and- I didn't really care about this soulmate thing at all.  But- something was feeling... empty...

As we entered the school, Rose and Juleka parted from me and I was left alone. 

I hummed before grabbing my books from my locker.  January.  New Year. 

Everyone started to pool into the school with that infamous winter break glow.

The kind of glow that you didn't just sit on your couch and play video games, that you went on vacation and partied with your friends and family. Not me. I just sat on my couch and played video games.  Worked pretty well for me.

I turned seventeen with Juleka in September.  Four months ago.  We were some of the older kids in class so it made sense that my soulmate wouldn't- WHY AM I STILL TALKING ABOUT THIS!

I mentally slapped myself before turning on my heels to get to my next class.


Oh my god.  What in God's name is it now?  We had only been in school for less than fifteen minutes-

I turned around to see the king of the school, Adrien Agreste and his princess, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. 

They were crowded by all the fangirls for Adrien and all the popular snobs.

Adrien's arm was draped around Marinette's shoulder as she snuggled into it.

Cute couple right?

I could care less.

Adrien and Marinette had been dating since late freshman early sophomore year. Both Marinette and Adrien were still sixteen.  Adrien's birthday in July and Marinette's on-well- in two days actually. Wow.  That was quick.

How do I know this? On Adrien's birthday a big blow out party happened at his mansion for his sixteenth. Naturally, I didn't care.  I just heard a lot about it.  A lot.

Meanwhile I know Marinette's birthday because we were partners for a chemistry project.

She's nice and pretty and all- Like all the girls at the top of the school- but she's so annoying. The only words that come out of her mouth usually have to do with the "Soulmates," "the string", and of course "Adrien."

We were complete opposites and I was so thankful that after that chemistry project we would never be working together again. 

I was about to turn away when I saw her roll her eyes at Adrien. That definitely caught my eye. Were they in a fight? 

Marinette scanned the school as if she was looking for something.  Her eyes finally settled on me and she gave me a small wave.

I gave her a nod and turned back to my locker trying to open my lock.  Why were my hands so sweaty all of a sudden?

It couldn't be because of- no. No. That was ridiculous. I was not in love with someone as materialistic and shallow as her. Believe me- you've only known me for like barely one chapter. I was not in love with Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

Sadly that couldn't be farther from the truth as you all will soon find out.  And this is how I fell in love with that very same annoying girl.  And it all starts on her seventeenth birthday.

(A/N: I know this was slow but hang in there!)

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