Chapter Seven: His Realization

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THANK YOU: Miracles_in_The_Work


Luka's POV

"Marinette? MARINETTE?" 

Her eyes stayed glued downwards.  What the hell was wrong with this girl?

If I was being honest she was kind of freaking me out a little bit- Just standing there all paralyzed and stiff- All I did was turn around and ask her why she was stalking me...

Then again, why was she following me in the first place?!

The people around us couldn't care less, buzzing to their next classes and talking about the next semester grades.

"Marinette?" I asked her again, placing my hands on her shoulders. 

Don't judge me! She looked really spooked... Of course I didn't care that much about her, but it's basic human decency to show that you care when someone's acting... however she was acting.  But that didn't expect the feeling I was getting from placing my hands on her shoulders-

No.  It was purely just being a good lab partner- Er classmate. I didn't wanna look like a jerk so-

That's all I was feeling and nothing more.  Nothing more.

She still wouldn't look at me as i reached over resting one hand on her shoulder.  She jumped.

I could hear her breath rising, almost hyperventilating at the turn of events, whatever they might be.

Somehow through the anxiety freak out- I felt her relax under my touch. I smiled a bit.

Finally, she looked up at me.  Her eyes- Her bluebell eyes were filled with tears threatening to fall.  Her lip was jutted out and quivering.

I gave a soft gasp.  Something was different when our eyes locked.  It was a shared moment between the two of us.  Everyone had cleared out for next class, both of us were tardy but she didn't seem to care and neither did I in the moment.

Again. In the moment. Stop fangirling.

"What the hell is going on?" I whispered to her.  

"I- Luka..."

Marinette pointed to her hand. 

I slowly, not breaking eye contact, reached down to her small delicate hand.  She gave a small sniffle as I turned her palm over and-

"Marinette!" A voice came, both of our heads snapped up as we saw Adrien Agreste.

I quickly let go of her hand, before I could see the crescent shaped mark identical to mine.

I wish I had.  Maybe we could have avoided all the pain that came in the next couple months.

Adrien ran up to Marinette concerned. The hallway was abandoned. I didn't think anyone would be out of class except us.  Marinette turned to face him stuffing her hands in her pockets. 

"Hey Adrien!" She said cheerfully.  I raised my eyebrow at her. Five seconds ago she could barely speak and was on the verge of sobbing and now she was acting like it had been one of the best days ever.

Was it really that easy for her to put on a fake smile?

"Hey... what-what's going on?" Adrien said looking at her skeptically. He knew something was wrong with her too. Adrien peered at Marinette's figure, trying to make sure she was unharmed.  Suddenly his kind eyes traveled to me and suddenly they weren't that kind anymore-

"Hi, Luka. Uh-what exactly happened?"

No matter how hard he tried to mask the calmness in his voice he was definitely pissed at me. I didn't cause this she just started crying out of nowhere! Wait- maybe I did do something- I don't think girls just do that... Well not Marinette anyway...

Adrien's eyes burned holes through mine. I had never seen him like this ever. Guess it was different when it came to Marinette.

They really loved each other huh?

"I-I honestly don't know." I nervously laughed. "Well-I have to get to... class... I'm already late so- I'll just leave you tw-"

But by then I was already around the corner rushing to AP English.

A/N: Short but effective 😊)

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