Chapter Nine: His First Dance

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I got this fanart from @Miracles_in_The_Work, I absolutely adore it! And got her permission to share with all of you!

Luka's POV

It had been two days since Marinette's weird freak out- I never realized how weird she was.  Meh-

I sighed, putting my head on my desk.  I couldn't get her out of my head.  She looked hurt- Something was wrong. 

When I turned the corner I heard her tell Adrien everything was fine and made up some dumb excuse-but- I knew it was a lie.  And if Adrien was a good boyfriend he would've seen that she was lying too.  Not to say that he isn't- but literally everyone in school can tell how nervous he is about getting his string-

It's like he has something to prove-that he is Marinette's soulmate- I rolled my eyes. Travelling back to my hand.  My soulmate hadn't written back to me after I drew the music note and crescent-

"Luka!" Juleka sang as she came into my room wearing a purple dress.  She looked at me and frowned for a moment. 

"WHY AREN'T YOU DRESSED!?" She yelled and hit my back with her tiny purse.

"OW-Jesus Christ, Jules"-

"LUKA. I. Will. Not. Let. You. Waste. Your. Highschool. Life. In. Your. Room." She punctuated each word by hitting my back with her tiny bag again and again.

"Juleka!" I hissed.  Why did that tiny bag hurt so much-

"Luka c'mon let's go to the dance tonight-"

"UGH-OUR SCHOOL HAS A DANCE EVERY MONTH DOES IT MATTER-"I whined as I saw Juleka filing through my closet.

"Yeah but it's a mascaret ball!" She exclaimed, holding up her purple lace mask.

I rolled my eyes, "because that wants to make me go even more-"

"Luka. Change now."

I don't know how my sister managed to get me into that school, much less in a suit.  But I was there.  I was wearing a navy blue suit, tie, and a teal mask with scales-almost resembling a snake-

(Authors/Note: Basically his mask is like his one as Viperion 😆)

Juleka had gone to find Rose, while I was talking to my other two friends Alix and Kim.

Kim was talking about football scholarships-he was pretty competitive.  He and Adrien were on the same team for the school. In fact, he was actually talking about Marinette and Adrien.

He had said that Marinette had been acting weird for the past two days and not even Adrien could figure it out.

I felt my breath go stiff for a minute.  When she was stalking me for whatever reason she was acting-

Kim also went on to say that she had anxiety from time to time.  Marinette? Anxiety?

Then again... the hallway the other day... The way she was hyperventilating and heaving that definitely would have made more sense-

The conversation continued on and on.  And it brought me to thinking of why these past few weeks I was thinking of her? It wasn't my fault that she was so involved in my life.

Insulting my dad (she wasn't wrong though, but that's something for another time), buddying up with me for all of our chemistry projects, only inviting me to her party so I could play guitar-  She was truly terrible, but through these past weeks, I haven't really hated her.  I mean she did all these horrible things-

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