Chapter Twenty-Four: Her Killer Morning

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Marinette's POV

So this is what a hangover feels like?

The clock read 12:14 PM.

The curtains had been drawn to keep the light from bothering my eyes.  Very considerate. 

I sighed before burying myself deeper into Luka's be-


I jumped up looking around.  My face formed into a pained cry- tell me what happened last night didn't really happen?!

I hissed quietly as I stumbled out of bed to check my phone and myself in the mirror.

I sighed to see the black dress ruined and my hair in a total disaster.  I sighed combing my fingers through my hair as I hesitated to take one of Luka's shirts and change. 

I laughed to myself a bit the shirt fit my figure perfectly- well it was more of a dress on me to be honest-

My head was usually at Luka's collarbone- so this made sense. Rubbing my head I gave a groan.

It felt like a knife was stabbing through my skull.  The ringing around my ears was crying as I checked my phone and winced at the blue light admitting from it.

Turning my brightness down- I checked Adrien's Instagram.

Seven new posts.

What on earth could they-

I froze.  I could already feel the tears pricking at my eyes before I heard a voice.

Luka.  He was standing in front of me with a kind smile on his face.  He was holding a breakfast bed table thingy and a bug steaming plate of something that smelled really good.  He was whispering for my hangover as he said,

"Hey Mari, I made you sunny side up eggs, chocolate chip pancakes, some buttered toast- heh- yeah I know it's a lot. I know you wouldn't eat this much but I wasn't sure what you liked and you probably have a wicked hangover so-"

His words were cut off.

"A-are you wearing my shirt?" His cheeks burned a red color.

"Oh-I-I'm sorry-" I laughed nervously glancing back at my phone. 

I tightened my grip on his bed sheets as he came to me with the food.  I sighed as he propped up a pillow for my back.

I didn't deserve this kind of treatment from Luka.  Not one bit.

I looked up at him quietly trying to manage a smile.

"It's fine... it looks good on you anyways..." his cheeks flushed again as he put the plate in front of me.  I grabbed a fork and smiled as he sat next to me.

"T-thank you for this." I gestured to the meal.  At the moment I felt my cheeks heating up too.

He laughed brushing his silky dark bangs out of his eyes, "Anytime."

I felt my head rest on his shoulder as I took another bite of the pancake.  I couldn't help but blush at the thought of us being together all night last night and feel my tears water in sadness last night.

As I rested my aching head on him I felt him flinch... I looked up at him with a mixture of confusion and fear.  Had I done something wrong?

But my eyes lowered as they found a big red gash on his collar bone.

"LUKA! What is that!" I gasped taking a closer look at it.

"It-it's nothing... please... don't worry about it..."

I winced at his words.  Before starting up again, "W-WELL YOU MAY NOT CARE BUT I DO-"

I stomped to his dresser leaving him and the hot meal behind.  I began to rummage through his drawers.

"Hey-what do you think you're doing idiot?" He said half annoyed and half whispering. (Again for my hangover-such a good boy❤️)

I smiled at his sentence before finally finding bandaids in one of his drawers.

"You live like a pig, you know that right?" I laughed before coming back to him to disinfect and treat the wound.

He flinched as I put the cool disinfectant on it.  I sighed before gently, yet firmly, placing the bandaid against his skin.

I smiled at my handy work before hesitating and kissing on top of the wound.

I looked back up into his aqua blue eyes and smiled.

"Better?" I laughed.

"Y-yeah thanks." He muttered bringing his arm and wrapping it snuggly around my lower back.  His head hit his bed headboard as I was still on top of him making sure the bandaid was secure.  I looked up at him again and burst out laughing at his bright pink cheeks.

"Look who's blushing," I teased, bringing myself closer to his face.

"Oh give it a rest alread-"

And there we were.

Our lips inches apart.  Me on top of him in his bed- wow this sounds really dirty- I mean it wasn't like that-or anything- I mean- YOU GUYS KNOW WHAT I MEAN-

I smiled leaning in, "Maybe I will~"

Before wrapping my arms around his neck and bringing my body closer to his.  I bit my lip as I went in for a kiss. Yes-I was ready for this.

"No." Luka said before swerving out of the way- and making my head hit the headboard.

"OW-hey!" I looked at Luka incredulously. What the hell?

"NO! Do you want me to say it again?" He snapped.

"I thought you loved me!" I yelled back at him-I winced a bit as the volume of his voice and mine was getting louder- Driving my head crazy-

"So?" Luka rolled his eyes, before sighing. 

"Marinette I would love nothing more to kiss and hug you- and even do the-the PDA with you- you know how significant that is for me- and I do love you but... No. not like this- I'm not gonna be your rebound..."

I felt my body stiffen, "What- No, Luka-"

"I saw the pics Adrien posted- you're in pain- get over your breakup and then we'll talk.  I don't wanna be strung along for the ride-"

"Luka it's not like that!"

"Really because you once told me, 'We may be soulmates but I love him not you.' I love you so much Marinette- I didn't even know that I would ever fall in love even if I did have a soulmate- But you- your caring your kind-"

"THEN BE WITH ME!" I said desperately with tears in my eyes.

I saw him smile with tears in his eyes.  "I will if you tell me right now that you love me and that you're over Adrien."

I opened and closed my mouth to say something.  But seconds turned into minutes- I felt tears fill my eyes as I looked back up with Luka.  He was crying too.

I couldn't-I couldn't do it.

"That's what I thought." He laughed sadly, "Umm.. I'm gonna go... take your time getting up and leaving- I need some fresh air."

That's what he said before walking out on me.  And there I was-alone on his houseboat.

(A/N: THIS BROKE MY HEART TO WRITE BUT IT HAD TO BE DONE😤🥲❤️- I just got on my break from school, so their will be plenty of chapters this week. DW GOTCHU)

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