Chapter Twenty: Her Song

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Marinette's POV

"Hey do you think Luka's okay?" I shouted over the music. 

The concert was still pumping as it had been for the past few hours but- something was missing...

I looked at the empty seat next to me and sighed.  I felt sick. 

I looked over at Adrien, who was currently on his phone texting 'Nino.' Who could text when there was a whole concert in front of you?!

I rolled my eyes- at least it wasn't another girl.

I sighed sitting uncomfortably in my seat-continuing to look fondly at the seat that Luka used to fill.

Why was I feeling like this? I- felt somehow so alone- But why?

My loving boyfriend was right here next to me? Why did I feel so vulnerable without Luka?

Luka practically made fun of me everytime he had seen me- wouldn't that have made me feel more vulnerable than without him?

I pondered these thoughts late after the concert, late after Adrien had taken me home, and late that night.

It didn't get any better after that-

I had started going to the houseboat more frequently because in all honesty I realized I had enjoyed their company more than most of my friends. 

Rose, Juleka, and I had been discussing costumed designs as I was sketching them in.

"Ooo that one looks perfect! Can we make it pink though?" Rose asked as she pointed to one of her designs.

My eyes followed around the room as I saw Luka enter in the door frame.

I laughed and nodded to Rose, "Yea, very pink!"

Luka seemed to freeze at my words, it was like he didn't even know I was there. Juleka and Rose also picked up on this.  They looked between us as Luka turned on his heel, and left the room...

"Did I do something?" I whispered-digging my nails into my leggings, and bunching up the fabric.

"Don't worry I'll get my tiny purse- I usually hit him with it a couple of times when he's being stupid." Juleka said as she stood up.

"No! No!" I laughed nervously, "I think I want to talk to him first, if that's okay with you..."

Juleka took a moment before nodding and snuggled back into Rose's hold.

I sighed and stood up to meet Luka outside.

"Luka!" I called out to him as I saw him go into his bedroom.

He sighed and opened his door to let me in. 

"I-I don't get it-what's wrong?!"

Luka nodded for me to sit down.


"Please... stop talking..." he said quietly.

I did as he said-as he took out his guitar and began to strum a melody that made my heart jump.

It kind of sounded like the way you would play a harp in those movies- it sounded beautiful a-and light and-and heavenly and-

"I wrote this song after we went to the concert together... and I left..." He said as he continued to strum.

"It-it sounds beautiful-" I murmured.

"Although I don't get it..." I started again. "I thought you hated love songs, why write one?"

"When Juleka and I were younger our father left... you know that right?" I froze at his words but nodded.  Everyone who went to school knew...

"Before he left... he taught me how to play the guitar... it was a good memory." He whispered to himself, "He also taught me that love-love isn't all that it's cracked up to be."

"He used to play and play and play guitar for us after dinner when we were younger. But soon that was too little for him.  Soon the love songs and the kisses that he left on my Mom and Juleka's cheeks weren't enough.  He left my mother-because- sometimes being a soulmate to someone isn't enough.  Sometimes you- HE needed more."

I flinched at his words. 

'Maybe soulmates are bullshit.' I thought.

"He didn't just leave my mom he left me and Juleka too. We weren't enough." He continued on, his eyes fading into a distant memory.

"Why weren't we enough? I have no idea why.  We were good kids-did what we were told- tried to be the best for both of our parents but- We weren't good enough.  I-I remember begging him and begging him to stay as I saw him leaving but he didn't. He left."

I felt myself tear up as he continued his story.  How could a person do that to their family?

"As I saw him leave my mother heartbroken on the floor-I looked over at his guitar.  Soulmates were bullshit.  They- they say it's like a promise- that you two will be there for each other forever because of your string but- I swear my parent's string broke that day."

"The displays of affection- the love songs- you never know if it's a front right before the storm."

As I said those words I heard a rumble from the clouds outside as little droplets of water hit the deck of the boat.

'So that's why he never liked soulmates...' I thought to myself as a tear trailed down my cheek.

"And from that day as I looked at that guitar full of broken promises- I vowed never to-sing a melody unless my heart really felt it.  I vowed to always be blunt and not-well not the kind of guy to give you an umbrella."

My ears pricked up at the mention of the umbrella.  I raised my head to look at him and was met by his glossy teal eyes.

"Then-then why..." I trailed off still in the trance of his mesmerizing blue eyes, "then why are you playing a love song right now?" I whispered.

He gave me a smile as he grabbed my hand and walked me out.  The rain hit our heads as we made our way up to the top deck of the boat. 

He turned to face me with the same sad smile plastered on his face. 

He took my hands and warmed them up in the rain, before pulling me into a hug. 

"Because I love you, Marinette."


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