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𝐏𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡

"Marcus, can you show me around?" I ask and give him my best puppy- dog eyes. "Sorry, Tati I have to think of more Quidditch strategies, I can show you to your dorm though." He gives me a quick smile and heads out to the common room, "The password is 'Pureblood'." I scoff, pathetic name if you ask me. "Dorms are up there, goodnight Tats." I check to make sure no one is there and hug him quick. "Night Marcie."

"Hello." A raven haired Slytherin greeted me, "Hey, what's your name?" I ask and begin to unpack. "Pansy Parkinson." "Tatiana Flint, are you first year?" I ask and she nods. I assume she is just shy and settle down. 


-6 am-

I wake up and spring out of bed to shower first, my stress eases as soon has the hot water hits my body and I feel myself relaxing. In Beauxbatons, we were always told that the best way to start your day is with a shower and that we should always do it for at least forty minutes. I miss Beauxbatons, but I think going to a mixed gendered school will be more fun, who knows I might even find a boyfriend soon, yeah never mind.

I step out and  change, then I work on my hair, I always take time to get ready as beauty takes time and I will not rush, and that's that. The alarm by Pansy's bed goes off and she grumbles and yawns loudly. "Morning Pansy!" she mutters a morning in response and I chuckle. "I'm going to be in the common room, see you for breakfast at eight, yeah?" I begin to head out and she yells back, "yeah, of course!" It's already late so me being the nicest sister I am, decide to wake Marcus up, with a simple water charm. "Adrian!" I whisper-shout and he turns to me visibly surprised. "Can I go in, to wake Marcus up." He grins and follows me in. 

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"Aguamenti" cold water shoots out of my wand and onto Marcus's snoring face and he shrieks. "Tatiana Flint, I am coming for you!" He shouts and I sprint out and hide behind a cupboard. Marcus stomps down and looks everywhere for me, I can see him getting closer and I hold my breath. Adrenaline pumps through my veins as he draws nearer, "Tati...I'm coming" Trying my best not to scream, as his legs come near until he stops, he grabs me and I yell. He starts tickling me with no mercy. "Please...stop...Marcus...I'm...sorry." I pant between laughs and Adrian, Pansy and few other Slytherins watch in amusement, finally he lets me go to get changed and I'm exhausted. "Want to go now, Pansy?" I ask and ignore all the looks I was getting, that was when I realised I was wearing a skirt.  My cheeks grow red and and I scowl at them all, Marcus too comes down and he also scowls at them, "sorry Tatiana, I forgot." he says guiltily and I shrug it off. 

I sit at the Slytherin Table and just my luck, Terence is also sat down, "nice show you put on then, Tata." I scowl, "Don't call me that and why were you watching?" He smirks, "hard not to." Marcus comes down and sees my frown, "Shove off, Higgs." We glare at him and he laughs nervously, "come off it, Marcus it's n-not like that." He stammers and I snort, how pathetic. I eat my waffles and discuss Quidditch with Pansy. "I'm not really into it, but I must say, people who play it are fit." She gives me a cheeky wink and I snort, "Most yeah." I laugh until I realised what she was getting at. "Pansy, you think I'm fit?" I pose dramatically and we fall into a heap of laughter, me and Pansy get on quite well for a fourth year and first year. Almost  like a sisterly bond.  Adrian raises an eyebrow at me and whispers something to Marcus, Marcus immediately looks up at me and I stare him down. The boys didn't intimidate me one little bit, I was taught dueling and martial arts, so I can fight back. "You like Parkinson?" He asks and I glare at Adrian, "No! We are joking around, also can you show us around today? I plead and he groans, "fine." 

"This is the potions room, advanced is the one on the right and average on the left. Want to go to the Quidditch Pitch now?" I note down the rooms and finally nod yes. We head down and I was in complete and utter awe, "wow..." I admire the pitch, it is much more grander than Beaxbaton's. "Shall I call the boys, for a quick game?" He asks and I nod and run to get my broom, nimbus 2000 and change into shorts. "Okay so split into two teams, also Tatiana is on my team." He grins and we take our positions, I swerve past them, dodging everyone before scoring a goal. I was speedy and nimble, not even Adrian could beat me. "Merlin Tati, you said you were good, I didn't know how much you improved." Marcus said astonished, wiping the sweat from his head. In total, I scored ten goals, which in actual practice would've got me on the team. "Tatiana! You were SO GOOD!" Pansy says, quite shocked. I thank her and head out. 

"Pansy, you want to go the the Black Lake for a bit?" She thinks for a bit but catches sight of a platinum blonde Slytherin who happened to be waving her over, "Sorry Tatiana, raincheck?" I nod and she hurries off, not going to lie, I am a bit mad I haven't made any friends of my own apart from her but oh well. I was not going to let this perfect evening go to waste, the golden sun reflects on my hair and my piercing green eyes. I sprawl myself onto the grass skim stones.

Three Bounces


Two Bounces

lets try again

Four Bounces

one more bounce...


I celebrate and laugh to myself. My own company works just as much as another, in Beaxbatons I never had many friends, they were full of prim and proper posh girls. I for one don't like riding ponies with a Prince Charming or dancing at a ball with a huge ballgown. Which is why, I am dreading the Yule Ball, an annual dance here in Hogwarts. (just pretend the ball is every year :3)  I watch the ripple of the waves as they go, the gloomy colour looks at peace and I feel my self ease into relaxation. If only one knew, the dangers within the beautiful waves. 

"All alone out here?" Adrian's asks and I shrug, "I like being alone." I cross my legs and throw another stone,  4 bounces. "Impressive." Adrian smiles at me, "Mind if I join you?" He asks and I was quite surprised, "Oh, yeah sure." He plops himself next to me and we sit in silence, quite awkward if you ask me. "You were really good on the pitch, Flint." I smile at him, "Weren't to bad yourself, Pucey." I smirk and he mirrors it. "Why thankyou, Tata." I grimace, "Do. Not. Call. Me. that." I poke him and he laughs, my hand was placed on his chest and I blush. 

"Me and a few other Slytherins are hanging in my dorm later, want to join?" He asks and I nod, to embarrassed to speak because I coloured my own cheeks like blush over an invite my brother probably told him to do.

"See you then, Flint."


hope you're enjoying =)

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