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𝐔𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐞𝐫

We both stare mindlessly at each other, both our eyes had gleams in them and the look on our faces could only be described as love.


The word sounds foreign to Tatiana and Adrian, none have quite believed in love before. Of course they've heard of the simple over- told fairytale. Girl meets boy or girl meets girl or boy meets boy or they meets girl, you get what i'm getting at. But the truth is, life isn't a fairytale and nothing is perfect or goes to plan. However, when the both of them looked at each other, love is what it felt like.

Of course they had said it to eachother before, but this time it felt different - almost like it had a different meaning.

It felt magical and perfect and just like a fairytale and at this moment, the pair decided to muster the words.

"I love y-"

"Breakfast to be ready in ten minutes!" McGonagall interrupts and the pair look at each other disappointed.

"See you in ten."


Adrian plants a kiss on Tatiana's cheek and gets up to leave, leaving Tatiana too her thoughts. Quickly she scrambles up and walks over to her wardrobe. After looking around Tatiana found one of Adrian's first jumpers she was given and with a big smile she throws it over her head.

Tatiana grabs a hair tie and pulls her shoulder- length black hair into a low ponytail. After observing her comfy outfit in a mirror, she nods and leaves to meet her boyfriend. She was still a bit shaken up from the dream but shakes it off and tells herself it was just a nightmare, which it was.

The cold and dark demeanor of the common rooms greets our eyesight and the coldness of the dungeons hits us like a truck, so, to try and gather some body warmth, the two cling to each other for dear life until they reach the not very busy Great Hall. Everyone arrives back home later because of a New Years party that goes on, apparently all the teachers know about but they also know they can't stop anyone. There's a rumour that Dumbledore crashed one of them and got drunk with the students.

I love Hogwarts.

"Marcus is back later." Adrian says, "I suspect he will be bringing most the alcohol." A small chuckle escapes both of us but none of us were really in the right mind.

If McGonagall hadn't interrupted, would they have confessed their love? Love is scary and the idea of trusting someone enough for them to be your happiness source terrifies Tatiana, what if one thing happens and your happiness is gone. However the feeling that Tatiana feels with Adrian is un - describable and just the definition of magical.

Cheesy, right?

Adrian on the other hand was worrying if Tatiana actually liked him, what if it just felt right, like in the moment sort of thing? But he really does like - love Tatiana. To him, she's the most wonderful girl in the world.

He also can't help but wonder why, why it felt powerful and almost like an invisible bond or magnet type thing that was bringing them together.


"Marcus, Lilliana!" Tatiana squeals and runs the fastest she has ever ran before to greet her brother and bestfriend. Adrian was quite excited about the arrival of his friends but he didn't let it show as much as Tatiana did.

"Hey mate." Adrian nods at Marcus and at Lilliana before pulling Tatiana closer to him for warmth without even realising he did it.

"How was Christmas?" Lilliana asks and Marcus fills us in on how boring it was, Lilliana told us about her going on a holiday to New York. (Home alone vibes amiright?)


"The view was so pretty, did I mention that the city had really tall skyscraper buildings and they lit up. Oh and there was a Christmas tree in the middle of townhall, I couldn't use magic but I still loved it all." Lilliana, during her description of New York, Tatiana made some gasps at the thought of it and my heart melted at her interested face.

"You really like her, don't you?" Marcus whispers, I turn to him with a sigh and nod lovingly at Tatiana who was now explaining her fascination with cities, thanks for the birthday idea, Tatiana.

"We still have a few hours, Hogsmeade anyone?" Marcus asks and we all nod in agreement, I don't think I have anything going on.

"I'm getting my own drink this time." Tatiana jokes, obviously referring to her first time at Madam Rosmerta's pub. I shudder at the mere memory of her, writhing in pain on the floor, crying as she struggles to breathe and tears of pain rolling down her cheeks. I wish I had done something sooner.

"Better had." Lilliana replies, "I don't think I could deal with a dead Tatiana."

"Me either." Tatiana grins goofily and tugs my hand so I keep up with the rest of the group which I hadn't even realised I was behind.

"Tatiana, sit by me."

"You daft duck, I'm her brother!"

"Yeah well guys, i'm her boyfriend. I should sit with her."

We all beginning arguing about who Tatiana will sit by, having all of us wanting to sit with her whilst she stands, with her hands crossed over her chest and an unamused expression on her face.

"I will sit by myself!" She threatens and tugs on my hand, pulling me towards and free table. I love her personality, she speaks her mind and is funny, she knows what to say and her confidence is key to her inner self.

"Hello my dears, you all okay now? Yes, yes. What would you like to drink dearies?" Madam Reosmerta asks and we all give our orders eagerly.

Tatiana ended up sitting on her own while us three sat opposite her, we all seem quite happy with this decision. Particularly Tatiana, she sits with a bright smile on her face and laughs a lot. She must feel much better having seen her brother again after ages.

The drinks arrive and after having drunk them we leave and head back to the castle that is Hogwarts. The sun has just started to go down and the glow emphasized Tatiana's features.

Her sharp jawline reflects some shade on her neck and her forest green eyes are shining and bright. If you really look into her emerald eyes, you can see a twinkle in her eyes, like a star shining and it truly can make a smile simultaneously make it's way onto your face.

"I heard there's a new student." Tatiana whispers into my year, sending a chill down my spine. Hurriedly I smile at her and she nuzzles into my arm. It wasn't what people call an unusual act when during a relationship but for me, little gestures mean the world.

People begin to fill the room rather quickly and any hope of having some quite time to chat in the group was quickly flushed away in the drain. Loud chatter fills the big room but soon dies down again when Dumbledore claims his spot at the speech stand.

"Hello! Hello! Yes, this week will hold the New Years Party, although these rules must be in place. Fourth years and up only and no drinking for the fourth years, there is fizzy drinks for you. Noise levels must be respectful towards the younger children."

Many huffs and cheers fill the gap of his speech.

"And too add to this excitement, we have a new students. Please welcome..."

"Jake Walters."

At this sentences Tatiana froze, her body tensed up and her smile was knocked off her face. The name felt familiar and after pondering about it, I remembered. Her old boyfriend.

Jake spots Tatiana and gives me a wink which she glares at.

"Very ambitious but don't have a knack for kindness, Cunning but not as brave as a Gryffindor. Smart but not curious like a Ravenclaw. Better be... SLYTHERIN!"

Cockily, the idiot faced boy moves down to the table where Tatiana is sitting.

"Miss me, babe?"



'til death do us apart | Adrian PuceyWhere stories live. Discover now