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Watching Tatiana walk away in tears because of me made me feel something I've never felt. Knowing her tears were because of me made me feel like my heart was breaking, I stand frozen staring into nothing after Tatiana left, not having a clue what to do. If I should go after her, drink my thoughts away? Or just go back to Tanisha even though she doesn't really like me and I don't like her.

"Adrian mate."



Marcus shakes me which snaps me out of my trance. "Baby..." Tanisha, my girlfriend says as she bats her long eyelashes. Tanisha is extremely beautiful but not as gorgeous as Tatiana, Tatiana is so stunning to me, Tatiana is the prettiest girl in the world to me. However I can never tell her and even if I did she would never believe me after tonight. I don't want to be with Tanisha but I am because I needed to take my mind off Tatiana. Tatiana is like a drug to me, painful but captivating and every time I leave her I come back wanting more, but I can't want more she's Marcus's sister and if I give in I could ruin everything with him. 

"Not now, Tanisha." I snap and push her off me, I am not in the mood to fake love for her. I feel awful, I've played Tanisha and even though she isn't the nicest person she doesn't deserve this , I don't know why I feel guilt she doesn't even like me but no one deserves that. None of the girls do. Tanisha quirks an eyebrow and takes another shot and after she did that, she went off to flirt with another Slytherin. I stare at her blankly which caused her to get even more angry that I didn't care, I have no feelings towards and we are just for publicity and even she knows it. Then, Tanisha kisses the boy while making eye contact but I just smile weakly at her, not in the mood for the huge dramatic breakup scenes that people do in Tatiana's muggle books and films she watches/reads.

"I'm leaving." I tell Marcus and he nods but I wasn't too sure he heard as he was aggressively dancing with Lilliana on the leather couch. I so desperately wanted to apologise to Tatiana but knowing her she's either sleeping from exhaustion and sadness or having a fight with her wall. As I pace upstairs I hear some faint thumps coming from the girls dorm or more specifically Tatiana's room.  My heart told me to go but my head said no, my body betrayed by brain and I went to Tatiana's room. 

"Tatiana." I call out softly and wait for a response but don't get one, turning my heel I head to leave but hear a small croaky "Yes?" Guilt fills my head and body, "Can I come in?" I ask and expect a no but the door clicks and unlocks. 

I take one look at her and at that second my heart shatters into a million pieces, she looked so fragile, vulnerable and hurt. "I'm sorry" I choke out and she scoffs. "Yeah very sorry." She sneers and I can't blame her for hating me, I would hate me too if I was her. "I don't like her." I mumble and she laughs coldly, "Then why," She asks "Why are you with her?" I try to think of a response but every one I could think of sounded bad, and it is bad. I'm with Tanisha to take my mind off Tatiana and I know she doesn't even like me, it sounds awful. I didn't even realise how long I had been silent and she took my silence as answer. "See, leave. Go to her. I'm sorry for kissing you, is that why you even came here? To humiliate me? To make make me hate myself even more. Hell, I'd even apologise to her if that's what you want. Just. Get. Out." Tatiana yells, her anger mixing with her hurt just tipped me off the edge and I kissed her. She kissed me back reluctantly and we cuddle on her bed, the mood feeling strangely calm but the atmosphere sad. "I had to get my  mind off you, Tatiana Flint." I mutter and she looks up at me, wide eyed. "you're playing her?" She says angrily and I shake my head no, "She's with other people, it looks good for her." She does something I wouldn't think she'd do ever again, she kissed me. 

After that we lay together, all cuddled up and comfortable. "I'm so sorry." She weeps suddenly and I rub her back, convincing her to let it all out. And so she does. She cries and cries and I suspect it isn't just about what happened between us. I didn't want to stress her or ruin her night even more so I decide not to pester her tonight. Instead, I carry her into my room and tuck her into my bed. Her bed was soaking and dirtied from Mascara tears, her walls had slight dents in some places and her knuckles bruised. I decide to crash in another bed in the dorm, assuming Marcus will be with Lilliana tonight. 

I am left with my thoughts and soon I get overwhelmed by the amount of questions I had...

Could me and Tatiana ever be a thing?
What will happen in the morning?|
Does Marcus know?
What will happen if he does find out?
Will Tatiana continue to hate me?
Will she even remember tonight?
Where did that troll go?
Can't believe Dumbledore sent us to the dungeons when the troll was in there.

Hearing the tick of the clock wasn't helping, 4am. Great. Even better when Tanisha finds out Tatiana slept in the boys dorm.

Let's just say today isn't gonna be easy...


Sorry this is bad!!! I'm suupppeerrr tired and had to catch up with school. Thankyou for 200+ Views!! It means a lot, really. Leave suggestions in the comments because currently facing writers block. (If you can even call me a writer ahahah.)

Also, thankyou for adding this book to your reading lists!!
Point out any mistakes or things you want me to change, have a good day/nighttt<3

Alos smaller chapter sorry.
P.s check my other stories;)

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