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"Lilliana, can you pass that, no not that one, yeah that one. Thankyou!" I am currently packing up to leave for home. I love Christmas, the decorations, songs and films just create an intense sense of hope and joy. "Marcus! Has mother wrote to you?" You ask and receive a faint "yeah." Back. 

Weird, I didn't.

"is mine with yours?" I ask and he comes in, handing me some stuff before shaking his head no. "I'm checking the owlery." I say and get up to leave, mother and father always write a half assed letter, welcoming me home but they have only done it for Marcus this year, maybe I just lost mine or forgot to pick it up.

"Adrian, can you come with me?" I ask and Adrian stumbles in with his bags. "Of course, Tati." I intertwine my fingers with his and we walk hand in hand to the owlery. 


"Okay, I got my letter!" I say happily, nothing could ruin my excited mood. Or so I thought. I open the letter and begin to skim through the page.

To: Tatiana Flint,
This year for Christmas you are not welcome home. This year is crucial for Marcus and he needs time away, he did not ask for this, it will be a nice surprise for him. I expect you know better than to tell him, time away from you could do him good, especially since that stunt you pulled with Adrian. How is he? Tell him he is welcome over anytime. 

You will be spending the two weeks in Hogwarts, we will drop your present off via owl. You can owl home if necessary. Have a good Christmas.
From, Mother & Father. 
P.S Merry Christmas.



"Well, never mind aha." I laugh weakly and crumple up the letter, "Hey, Hey. What's the matter?" He asks and rubs my hand in attempt to soothe me. 

"Turns out my parents only want Marcus home this year." I say spitefully and rip up the letter. "Reparo." He mutters and reads the letter, the more he read, the more the pitiful expression on his face grew. 

"I'm sorry." He says and pulls me into an embrace and I wrap my arms around him in return. "Say hello to my parents for me, will you?" I ask and he shakes his head no. 

"No, No. Absolutely not. I'm staying with you in  Hogwarts." He says confidently. "No, it's fine." I say but he insists he will stay so eventually I give in. "Thankyou, love." I say softly and press a sweet but brief kiss to his cheek. 

"This, darling, will be fun." He says with his signature smirk before scribbling a letter for his parents. "What you writing?" I ask, "Telling them I'm not coming home." He says not looking up.

"How will I repay you?" I ask and he stops too think. "How about, I take you to the three broomsticks on a date." He offers and you beam at him, "For sure."

"Did you know, you're beautiful." He tells me and I snort. "How romantic, but I must say, you are quite dashing yourself." It was his turn to laugh now. "C'mon dopey, let's go practice quidditch." He looks at me and tilts his head. "Dopey?" He asks, like he didn't hear and I nod. "I like it." He grins and suddenly an idea pops in my head. "Last one to the pitch has to confess their un-denying love for Snape." I yell and run as fast as I can.

 I see him catching up so I use a spell that makes me run faster. "I saw that, cheater!" He pants and I laugh, sending him a blow kiss as I run in front of him. However the spell wears off and his long legs run past me, making him first by 5 seconds. 

"No fair." I pout and he laughs. "Rules are rules, Flint." He says with a smug smile.


After the match he forces me into Snapes office as he listens outside. 

"Yes, Ms Flint?" Snape drawls out, not looking up from his papers.

"I have to tell you something sir." I say, trying my best to keep a straight face.

He hums a response so I take it as a 'go on'.

"I think I love you. It was first a crush, like little things. Like noticing how good your hair looks and how much of a badass you are. Then I started to like your soothing voice and became to desperate to hear it. It's not just a crush, it's love!" I express and a low chuckle comes from Snape.

"Practicing for Mr. Pucey are we?" He says in an amused tone and my eyed widen.

"I wasn't born yesterday, Ms Flint." He says, like I  need reminding.

"Thankyou for the reminder sir, it's just I think I knew." I say brightly and he sends me out of the class. 

"Cheating on me, is it?" Adrian asks with a fake hurt expression on his face. "Yes, with Snape." I joke and a snort exits Adrian. 

"That was so funny, can't believe you did it!" He says and high fives me.

I link my hand with his and we stroll around the castle, these two week will sure be interesting.


Filler, sorrryyryryryry

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