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(Picture at top is what u wear heheheh)


After witnessing Adrian calling me gross or disgusting or whatever he thought of me, it felt like my heart got ripped up.  It's totally unfair of him to tease me when he clearly knows I like him because of how nervous I am around him, I have feelings and he just walked on them. I know he didn't know I was there but doesn't that make the situation all the more worse, this is what he says to Marcus when I'm not around. And to think I thought he might like me back, how pathetic of me. 

On the good side, Marcus and Lilliana are so cute together but they are always kissing and seeing your brother kiss your best friend isn't always appealing, especially at dinner. And it's even more awkward with me and Adrian though his eyes almost show sadness for some seconds before they go back to their normal cold stare, he hides his feelings and it's bad. 

I should hate him for knowing what he thinks of me, but I don't. I really really don't. It sucks that I'm going alone to the Halloween Party, I mean I did get asked but I rejected them all in hope Adrian would ask me but he didn't. So here we are on Halloween, alone. 

I look up at Adrian and he looks down, he's been avoiding me and if I were him I would do the same. 

"Tati! Tati! I've been asking you something for five minutes now!" Lilliana waves her hand over my face, snapping me out of my trance. 

"Huh? Oh yea sure." I say not knowing what she asked. "You don't know the question do you?" She sighs and I shake my head no truthfully. "Should I wear the dark grey heels or the white ones or the the black ones?" She asks and I choose white.

Lilliana is matching my brother and they are going as a zombie couple. How adorable. 

"You should ask Adrian!" She whispers in my ear and I glare at her, "He hates me!" I whisper shout and Adrian hears me and walks out. "I'll be back." I say and get up, "Need the bathroom."

I follow Adrian and he sees me, "What?" He says as meanly as he can but I know he's putting it on. "Why do you hate me?" I ask and lean against the wall. "I don't" He mutters but I decide to tease him. "I can't hear you, speak up" I put my hand to my ear and he grows visibly annoyed, "I said I don't hate you!" He yells and I jump back in surprise.

I'm used to getting yelled at and insulted by my parents but not by my "friends". 

"I'm sorry I-" He was about to ramble so I cut him off, "Then why did you say you did?" He sighs heavily and pulls me into an empty classroom."

"I asked your brother what he would do if I liked you and he flipped out so I tried to convince him I don't like you." I take it in and nod slowly.  "So you wouldn't mind if I just-" I stop there and kiss him. It felt like fireworks exploding through me  for the second time.  He lifts my head up so we lock eyes and sighs sadly. "I wish we could, but we can't" He exits the classroom and I mentally curse at myself for doing that. 

I felt something and just know he did too.

-Time Skip-

Me and Lilliana are getting ready together and I wear a black lace dress with black chunky boots, vampire makeup, a lace jacket and lace hand gloves. Obviously I am going as a vampire because my favourite muggle TV show is Vampire Diaries.

 "Tati! You look SO good! If I was gay I would claim you as my own right now!!" Lilliana gushes and I chuckle, I love that girl. Lilliana rushes out to meet Marcus and I leave for the party. Eyes are on me as I walk down and whistles are heard, but I roll my eyes at them. I look around for a certain someone, he looks right at me with his mouth slightly open. "Close your mouth or flies will fly in" I joke and he laughs.

"I'm sorry for fleeing earlier" He says and hands me a drink. "I shouldn't have done it." I say and brush it off like it weren't a big deal. "Yeah...right" He clears his throat before going up to the girl I recognised as the girl he made out with at the first party. 

She notices me and rolls her eyes, "So you're the one trying to steal my boyfriend." She sneers, getting all up in my face.


My heart shatters and I look up at Adrian and laugh shakily, "No girl, have him." I say and walk away. My vision goes blurry and I run upstairs. How could I be so stupid to kiss him? He obviously doesn't like me and he just wants to tread on my feelings, all boys do apparently. 

In Beaxbatons, I had a boyfriend from Durmstrang who would occasionally visit on weekends. That was until I caught him cheating.


"Jake, I am so excited to see y-" I walk in the room to see my boyfriend's tongue down my only friend Emily's throat. "Tata, it's not what it looks li-" He tries to explain but I cut him off, "What is there to explain? Here you are kissing my BEST FRIEND." I shout and she looks down ashamed. "How long?" I demand and Emily's lip quivers. "Th-three months." She begins to cry and I walk up to Jake and slap him. "THREE MONTHS! Y- YOU BEEN LYING T-TO ME FOR THREE MONTHS!?" I scream and just breakdown. "It was a mistake." His eyes well up but I kick him out of the room, along with Emily. 

I begin to sob endlessly into my lap and didn't leave my room for days. My boyfriend of one year cheated on me with my bestfriend. The two people I trust the most just backstabbed me and now I was alone.

-end of flashback-

No one knows about my first boyfriend and it's the reason I begged my mum to move me here.

It's always the reason I HATE being called Tata. He called me it. Jake. I haven't seen him in months. and it's better that way, 

Flopping down on my bed, I begin to think of how much of a loser I am. The two boys i've ever liked didn't want me and now I'm all alone crying in my room because I let myself fall for my brothers bestfriend. 


Sorry it's bad hehe- xox

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