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"Pance, are you coming to the hangout in Pucey's room?" I ask whilst digging through my heaps of clothes, "Don't know, should I?" She asks and I laugh, "Of course!" I choose black leggings and an oversized a green Slytherin jumper. I head over and sit by Marcus, "Any mud-bloods here can leave!" He shouts and I elbow him hard in the ribs, "Be nice." I say sternly and he scoffs. Terence arrives late and announces he has alcohol, oh no. Instantly I knew this was going to be a bad idea, Adrian then stands up, "I stole some Veritaserum, no one can lie." He winks and I groan.  The room looks messy, quidditch things thrown around, however I assumed the clean side of the rooms is Adrian's because Marcus's room at home is outrageous. 

"Tatiana, truth or dare?" Terence asks, "dare." I dare you to kiss me, instead I take a shot, causing everyone to snicker except one girl who looked severely hurt. "Okay then, you have to do truth!" He says, trying to mask a normal face but was clearly offended I didn't kiss him, "okay, truth." Terrence looks smug, "Who do you think is the most good looking boy here?" Marcus glares at him  but puts a drop of Veritaserum in a cup and handed it to me. "Adrian, definitely." I say and put my hands to my mouth, very shocked on what I just said. I had no control of my mouth and it dripped off my tongue like honey. Adrian smirks and Terrence looks annoyed but kept calm, "You sure that's Veritaserum, Adrian?" He half jokes and I roll my eyes.  Pansy goes to take a sip of alcohol and I snatch the bottle away from her, "You're a child!"  She rolls her eyes but grabs a lemonade all the same. I take a sip of Pansy's drink but Marcus takes it from me, "You're a child!" He says mocking me and I scoff. "C'mon you know you drank at fifteen!" I whine and he rolls his eyes, "That's me, and you're you." Terence who seems to have a grudge at me now sneers at me and Marcus glares daggers at him. 

Terrence "accidentally" spilt beer on my leggings and I huff and leave to change and shower so I don't get sticky. He waves his wand at the door and it locks so I can't leave, I roll my eyes at him and grab my wand, "Alohamora." The door swings open and I flip Terrence off before leaving and in the distance I can hear Marcus scold him. I have a quick shower and change into shorts and an oversized shirt. "We're playing Never have I ever." Adrian grins and I sit next to Marcus again. "Sorry about Higgs" Marcus whispers and I smile slightly.

"Higgs, Never have you ever cheated on your girlfriend?" Marcus asks, obviously knowing something we don't, he quickly put Veritaserum in Terrence's drink and Terrence gulps. "yes, we both were having an argument and I was mad." I choke on my lemonade, you did what, Terrence. Terrence didn't even even care and he laughed, Marcus looked pleased that he got Higgs to admit to it and he shoots Terence's still girl friend an sympathetic look, she slaps Terrence and runs out crying and I head to comfort her.

"He's a prick, you don't need him." I say and stroke her hair, "I saw...him...flirt...with...you." She says between broken sobs and I rock her back and forth, "He's disgusting." I spit and she agrees and hugs me tightly. I bring her to my dorm so she can get changed and nap, seeing as her roomies hate her. I storm into Adrian's dorm and punch Terrence square in the jaw. "What the..." He was interrupted by my fist again.

"This is for flirting while you have a girlfriend."


"This is for making me uncomfortable."


"This is for cheating."


"This is for not caring."


"And this is for still showing your face here, knowing what you did."


I laugh at his heap on the floor, flash everyone my signature smile and walk out.  One of the seven years pick him up and I watch as he carries Terrence to the Hospital Wing. I walk back to Adrian's dorm and they all cheer as I walk in, "To be fair, he deserved that." Adrian says and he winks at me. Marcus thumped me on the back, "That was amazing Tats!" He says and pours me a tiny bit of beer. I smirk and take a sip, Pansy walks up to me and she looks annoyed. "What?" I ask and raise eyebrows, "Why'd you do that?" She yells, "He's a cheating scum." I shrug and seat myself between Adrian and Marcus. "You could get expelled!" She scolds and I shrug again, "I won't."  Marcus nudges me and let's me know how close I am to Adrian. Adrian smirks as I am basically sitting on him and I quickly sit myself opposite them.  "Are you blushing, Tatiana?" He asks smugly, it's obvious I am but I was not going to show him that I am nervous, "No." I laugh.

Marcus is a bit tipsy and starts to flirt with another fifth year which I didn't recognise, as of yet. She was totally into it and I decide to leave because I was, let's just say, awkward. "Goodbye, Tatiana" Adrian smirks and he looks down at me, "Bye, Pucey.  Can you make sure Marcus doesn't get too drunk and arrives to dinner, or just tell me if you need me to bring food up for him." I say and give him a smile, "How kind." He chuckles and I flip my hair sassily and walk out. 


Tatiana walks out sassily, leaving me standing in awe. She was having none of Terrence's bull, okay, I was not expecting her to beat the hell out of him but not complaining. Marcus is still suggestively flirting and I have a feeling I have to crash on the Common Room couch. Tatiana's vicious fight replays in my head, Higgs did deserve it, just didn't expect it from her though. The way she walked out after or the way she blushes when we make contact. It's probably because I haven't had a girlfriend in a while and was lacking human interaction. I mean, she's my best friend's sister, I can't like her, I just think she's attractive, is that bad?

-time skip-

Tatiana asks about Marcus and I point her to him where his drunkenly flirting with the same girl, "Oh, he's here, thanks Pucey." And with that, she's gone. She sits with Terrence's ex who is wearing her clothes, girls support girls (amiright?). She gives her a huge hug and laughs when Terrence is mentioned, she really is very much like Flint. I sit with Marcus but am completely and utterly ignored so I sit by Tatiana instead, her friend nudges her and whispers something in her ear, she then looks up at me and blushes. Cute, wait no! Not cute, nonono.  "Hey Adrian." She flashes me a smile and looks like she's recovered from her blush already. "Marcus is probably going to want me out of the dorm, if you know what I mean, so can I get blankets and a pillow if he does? I ask and she scoffs. "Gross Pucey! That's my brother you're talking about, and sure whatever." She gags and I grin, "Thanks, Flint." She turns to walk away but I grab her hand, "also, apparently you messed Terrence up pretty badly, he's all bruised up." She smiles.

"That's what I was going for." And then she walks away.   


Am I going too fast?

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