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𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲

"I am not your babe!" Tatiana hisses with a harsh glare. Her usual happy voice was now cold and it was hard to think that she was just a happy excited girl a few moments ago.

"What's wrong, Tati?" Lilliana asks as she places a warm comforting hand on top of Tatiana's, this sudden new feeling didn't sit well with Marcus and Lilliana after them not having known about Jake and his antics.

"Yeah, what's wrong Tata?" Jake asks with a cocky smirk that Adrian just wanted to knock off.

"Do you know her?" Marcus asks, his already intimidating face was now scarier than ever, his brows were furrowed in confusion and his eyes look cold. He senses Tatiana doesn't like him, for which reason he doesn't know, but he was sure to find out.

"Yes, you must be the Marcus she used to talk so much about." Jake says and offers a hand for Marcus to shake but Marcus disregards it.

"He's my ex." Tatiana says, "He cheated on me with my bestfriend at the time."

Marcus wasn't just protective now, he was angry. Very angry.

"Why did you come here, Jake?" Tatiana asks.

"I missed you, baby." Jake says and holds his hand up to her face but at this point Adrian couldn't take it. He slaps the hand away and pulls Tatiana into him.

"And you are?" Jake asks, his eyes narrow as his eyes switch between Tatiana and Adrian. His evil mind was working a plan out to ruin whatever they have, switches were switching on and off and he found his plan.

"Pucey, Adrian Pucey. Tatiana's boyfriend." Adrian replies, his posture changes and he now sits up straight, looking more intimidating as he clenches his jaw and grits his white pearly teeth.

"How much did she pay you mate?" Jake responds cheekily, his eyes dart to Lilliana and notices how she is snuggled up to Marcus. A devious smirk grows on hi face as he opens his mouth to speak more unwanted words.

"Who are you, you truly are so stunning. Don't tell me this baboons arse looking boy pulled you." Marcus tenses up as does Lilliana. Her once worried face was now disgusted and angry at the boy.

"He's perfect too me!" Lilliana defends Marcus who makes literal heart eyes at her.

"What's this about a party?| Jake asks and completely ignores Lilliana's response as he stares right into Tatiana's soul, making her shift in her seat uncomfortably at the unwanted attention.

"Do they play quidditch here?" Jake asks and seems satisfied when Lilliana nods hastily. "Marcus is the captain." She retorts and his eyes shoot up in surprise like he wasn't expecting it, maybe it wasn't part of his master plan.

"I was the captain in Durmstrang." Jake announces and he must've expected people to bow down to him like he was some sort of king but no one did which made his usual confident façade surprised for a split second.

"I know that Tata wanted to visit all my games." He says smugly.

"Tatiana plays on this team, bloody brilliant she is too." Adrian says proudly and places a kiss on the top of his girlfriend's head.


"Yeah. Chaser." Tatiana spits as she places her attention back on her plate of food.

"Take after me, eh." Jake says and pats down his short silky brows hair to get rid of the sticky up piece that is always in the air. His loud voice and as annoying as it is to admit, his good looks were attracting a lot of attention in the hall. Many girls were swooning at him and glaring at each other for "flirting" with him.

'til death do us apart | Adrian PuceyWhere stories live. Discover now