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The next few days were awful, Adrian and I desperately tried to regain Marcus's friendship and trust but have no success.  Marcus was treating us like dirt on his shoe, like a stranger. He would send us dirty looks in the common room or hallways or sometimes just completely ignore us. In Quidditch he would treat us like any other person, except he would throw in some more laps here and there. It hurt the most when me, Lilliana, Marcus and Adrian would hang out and he would act like I wasn't there, like I didn't exist.

C'mon, Marcus. I am sure they didn't mean to hurt you..." Lilliana said softly as her and Marcus sit by the fire while Marcus rants about me and Adrian. 

"Well they did." Marcus snaps and in one swift move he gets up and storms away, leaving an upset Lilliana behind. Lilliana doesn't deserve to be the one Marcus takes his anger out on, and it is definitely taking it's toll on her. Tears stream down her cheeks, in a few days her relationship has plummeted down due to Marcus's outbursts randomly. 

"Hey, Lills." I say, pretending like I didn't hear and see Marcus's rage at her. "Go away!" She spits with venom in her voice, "If you hadn't messed around with Adrian, he wouldn't be like this! Why do I have to handle the mess for your dirty work?" She cries and runs off, her sobs getting quiet the further she goes. 

Feeling hopeless, I stare into the green flames but my vision clouds up with tears and soon the flames look like blobs. I have lost everyone I love by being with Adrian and yet still there is nothing more I want right now than to curl up by him and to rant with him, to get all my worries off my chest. However that won't be happening because Marcus's absence to his friendship is causing him to isolate himself. I suspect he's too mad to face anyone, mad at himself, me and Marcus. 

The moon goes down and the clock hits 10 which means we all have to go to our dorms now, this also means I have been unsuccessful with Marcus for another whole day. The dorm is empty apart from a sleeping Molly. I requested to shift dorms because it wasn't working with Pansy. Molly is a muggle-born Slytherin and I have never talked to her, maybe it will do me good to make new friends so I make a mental note to introduce myself tomorrow, but for now, I need sleep.


"Everybody wants to steal my girl, every body wants to- ARGHH!" I am woken up by Molly's loud screaming. "What?" I shout back, my head hurting and my mouth dry. "Sorry, I didn't know I had a new roommate." She apologises but she doesn't seem sorry, however I ignore it and I sink back into my pillow. 

"You look rough, have you been sleeping well?" She asks while plaiting her long red hair. "Fine." I mutter, "What time is it?" Molly slips her shoes on and smirks. "Eight." 


"Why didn't you wake me?" I yell out of panic but she smiles a spiteful smile at me. "You need your  beauty sleep, you look horrendous." She walks out and I mutter a few spells to make me look approachable, she thought. 

"Hello sleeping beast." Molly says and her gang of baboons giggle, including Tanisha. "It's sleeping beauty. Seeing as you're a mudblood, you should know!" I respond rather maliciously, confused on how I could say such a thing. Molly looks up in shock, her smile wiped off her face and replaced with a scowl. 

"Of course I know, are you dumb?" She asks but her once confident voice now seems small, almost like she's scared on what i'll say next. "Darling, It's hardly your place to accuse me of being dumb when you failed the last charms test." I say casually. My memory comes useful in times like this. I can clearly remember seeing her results when collecting mine, and her face when she saw it. Molly got a 25% whilst the top you could get was 100%. 

"H-how'd you find out!" She squeaks out of anger, and her mates look at me with anger painted on all their faces. "I have my ways." And with that, I leave to find Adrian.


"Adrian, wait!" I call out as I run after the chaser. Wow, chasing after the chaser, how cheesy. "I know what you want and we, I- we can't." He says and his voice cracks which is a clear sign that he is swallowing back tears.

"Can't do what?" I ask, even though I already know, even waiting for the answer I can feel my heart breaking. 

"We can't do this, us." He says but he can't look me in my eyes, afraid that if he does, he will burst into tears.

"But it feels so right." I choke back tears and my the floor becomes blurry.

"What don't you understand, I don't like y-you!" He yells, a few tears spilling from his eyes. "So us, me, I meant nothing to you?" I ask and the answer I got shattered my heart.


My legs wobble underneath me, the realisation on what he said hits me like a brick and I fall to my knees. The realisation of how I have no one, in a week I have lost the most important people in my life flows out of my head and down my cheeks, in the form of tears. My cries could be heard from all over the castle, I am sure of it but I couldn't care. I have to do this, I have to move back to Beaxbatons.

Slowly, I make my way to my dorm and shakily grab my parchment and quills. My mind goes blank and the only things that go on the pages are my mascara stained tears. Eventually, I gather my thoughts and with a few sniffles I write my letter.

Dear Mother and Father, 
Life at Hogwarts hasn't been going very well and even though it is another month until Christmas, I will like to move away, back to Beauxbatons. As you suspected, I truly do mess things up and I have even gone as far as to ruin things with Marcus, which is why I need to leave, to give him space. If you could let me know if I can and when I can, please let me now ASAP! 
Love you more than ever, Tatiana Flint xxx

I seal the letter and place it on my desk for later but for now, I need to get to class otherwise Professor Quirrel might kill me, even though he can't do much. Poor man jumped when the fish swam too fast and made a small noise as it brushed the fish tank. 

I attempt to conceal my sadness but every time I look in the mirror, I see the pathetic little girl that can't fit in anywhere.


Depressing chapter,, sorry!
It will get better- xox

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