(This is how (Y/N) Is recruited by SHIELD, the story will start next chapter with Thor)
((Y/N)'s POV) (02:00)
I was walking down the street, downtown Manhattan, I was just out for a general walk or in some case, scouting for a new kill... I know right... The main character of a hero story is a villain, well you see I'm not a villain... But I'm not a hero either so don't get it twisted, But Venom likes the taste of heads, I know owww, but you get used to it... Speak of the parasite.
Venom: Hungry...
He said in that raspy voice he has.
Me: Do you think about anything else?
I said out loud I don't care if people think i'm crazy, it makes me laugh at all the weird looks I get.
Venom: Ehm... Not really... Oh... Can we get chocolate?...
I internally laughed at him, he's supposed to be this unbeatable killing machine but when it comes to chocolate and just sugar in generally he becomes a child.
Me: Sure, what else do you want?
He was quiet for a moment, he was obviously thinking but I already know what he's going to ask for as he asks for the same every single day... He's gonna say chicken...
Venom: Ice Cream...
Me: That's what I thought, Wait what?
Venom: Ice Cream.
I just shrugged and made my way to the local store around the corner from my apartment, after a few minutes of listening to Venom talk random stuff, I finally made my way to the store and made my way inside, it isn't a huge store it's just your little convenient shop on the corner of the street... As I went in I spotted 2 people one was the women waiting to take my money for the overpriced shit they sell and the other was very badly acting as if he was going to buy something... Now he's either going to steal or he's going to rob the place, he apparently didn't notice me tho as he stared at a can of beans, I made my way to the chocolate and asked.
Me: Which one?
Venom: Peanut...
I then picked up a peanut butter bar of chocolate.
Venom: No idiot! get the one with peanuts!
I held the chocolate and said.
Me: Bitch you call me an idiot again and I swallow a lite match.
We then argued all the way to the ice cream, I asked him what kind and he said Cookie Dough for some reason, I then made my way to get a magazine and other stuff, when the idiot from before decide he would rob this nice little shop.
Robber: Listen up and no one gets hurt!
He said pointing the gun at the women, I then made my way to him and asked nicely.
Me: Listen mate, it's late and I'm tired, I really don't want to do this tonight... So how about you get out of here and no one gets hurt.
He then pointed the gun at me and I took this opportunity to let Venom out and the guy pissed his pants when he saw Venom... Literally pissed on the floor... Venom grabbed his hand that held the gun and crushed both hand and gun, the robber screamed at the top of his lungs due to the pain he is now getting from the broken hand, Venom then grabbed the guy by his neck and said.