Venom was thrown to the ground by Carnage after being taking out, Venom got straight up to his feet to see Carnage, but instead he had Cletus' face.
Cletus: Where's my Daughter?
Venom did the same for (Y/N) as Venom slowly walked around Carnage trying to intimidate him... see Venom and (Y/N) knew they couldn't beat Carnage alone so this was just a game of surviving.
(Y/N): You should know... you killed her.
Cletus started to laugh, but it was an unsettling laugh that made (Y/N) a little worried about this man's sanity.
Cletus: I know she got out alive... she's the knew one, right?... Toxin, wasn't it?
(Y/N) stopped circling Cletus and looked him straight in the eye.
(Y/N): We will bring the thunder... We will be your downfall... We will kill you...
Cletus: But you won't do anything as I proved the last time we met. You would rather save someone's life then kill me.
The two just continued to stare each other down until (Y/N) saw a blue and red blur dash behind Carnage, (Y/N) was glad he had the back up but he and Venom needed to do this on their own for confidences reason's... Carnage is the only one of (Y/N) target's to get away from him... but that changes today.
(Y/N) allowed Venom to cover his face as Venom punched Carnage in the stomach and kick him in the shine dropping Carnage to his knees and as soon as Carnage landed he didn't have time to get back up as Venom spartan kicked him in the chest sending the red Symbiote through many objects in the room, boxes and tables broke from the impact.
Venom: We will bring you down by our own two hands.
Venom hopped that Toxin or Rebecca, heard him and would only interfere if absolutely necessary, Venom started to make his way to were Carnage fell to the ground, Venom flipped tables and boxes out the way, but he was tackled once again out the blue and once they stopped rolling Carnage pinned him down and screamed in his face, Carnage started to scratch at Venom who held his arms up trying to block the attack but Carnage still managed to get a lot of his strike in, Carnage then grabbed the top of Venoms head and tried to peal Venom away form (Y/N), as they screamed in pain, in one last ditch effort Venom put both his feet to the midsection of Carnage and pushed, Carnage went straight through the ceiling, Venom took a second to recuperate but as soon as he did he jumped through the hole in the ceiling to se a dark room and Carnage taunting them...
Venom and (Y/N) blocked him out and focused on their surroundings, they blocked out Carnage's taunts so they could hear him, and it worked as Carnage tried charging at them from behind but because Venom and (Y/N) worked together to listen they heard him coming.
Venom ducked out the way and Carnage went flying over them, but before he could go back in the shadows, Venom grabbed Carnage and throw him into the floor, Venom jumped up in the air and changed his arm into a giant mace, Venom slammed the mace into Carnage sending him through the floor back into the room they were fighting in before, Venom followed only to see an empty room, Venom looked around and smelled the air trying to find Carnage but somehow he managed to slip away from him, Venom changed back to (Y/N)as (Y/N)was furious.
(Y/N): Son of a bitch!...
(Y/N) shouted throwing a box across the room, but in his rage he remembered that rebecca was here, he looked to where he last saw her run to and ran their to she her knocked out.
(Y/N): Bex... Bex, wake up.
Rebecca just layed there with her eyes closed but she quietly said.