Chapter - 7

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(This is going to be a long one... Strap in and Let's Do This!)


It was now late at night and Bruce and (Y/N) were still working away in the lab... It's been a few hours since (Y/N) opened up to Bruce and during this time, Bruce has taught (Y/N) a few new things that he didn't know before... Bruce also told (Y/N) about his past, about Betty Ross and his fight with Abomination, needless to say after there little talk Bruce saw (Y/N) as a nephew of sorts and wanted to help him and (Y/N) said he would help Bruce with his 'Green' problem. 

But after a few extra hours they both called it a night and made there ways to the respective rooms, on the way back to his room (Y/N) couldn't help but think about how close him and Bruce got after they shared there struggles... Maybe he should tell Nat, and she might tell him about her past and they could be closure together.

When he got to his room he decided to talk to Nat tomorrow, she's probably asleep by now right?... Wrong... When (Y/N) opened his door and walked in he was met by Nat sat on his bed looking conflicted, (Y/N) sat next to her and both sat in silence till.

(Y/N)/Nat: I think...

They both chuckled at each other.

(Y/N)/Nat: You first...

They smiled at each other again.

Nat: You go...

(Y/N) sighed and turned so now his whole body was facing her with his legs crossed on the bed, she soon followed his actions.

(Y/N): I think... It's time I told you about me.

Nat nodded and let (Y/N) tell her everything, all tho she already heard most of it when she went by the lab earlier, but she wanted (Y/N) to feel comfortable with her and trust her as much as she wants him to trust her, when he finished he looked down to his lap where he started to play with his fingers, a few tears also left his eyes... Nat held his hands in her and they both made eye contact, Nat then told him everything about her past, from the place she was trained to never being able to birth a child... Nat knew this one would effect him the most as (Y/N) always wanted kids, he always wanted to be the Father his Father never was, both of them now had tears running down there faces, (Y/N) wrapped Nat in a tight hug and laid down so she was resting her head on his chest and his chin on her head.

(Y/N): It's ok... There's other options.

Nat looked at him.

(Y/N): I mean we could adopt... But that doesn't matter at the moment, what matters is I love you and I always will.

They both smiled at each other and shared a kiss, after a few moments of enjoying each others company they both fell asleep in each others arms.


Meanwhile in Loki's underground base of operations, Dr. Erik Selvig is standing by the machine he is creating and throwing orders around.

Selvig: Put it over there. 

When the worker did so Erik Selvig grinned and walked over to the door to the chamber the machine was being built in and spoke to Clint Barton.

Selvig: Where did you find all these people?

Barton was tapping away on a device obviously looking for something and answered.

Barton: S.H.I.E.L.D has no shortage of enemies, Doctor.

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