Wanda is sat at a café table in a busy part of Lagos, she blends in well as she adds sugar to her hot drink, she takes a sip and looks at her surroundings, but then someone sits in the seat opposite her making her jump and look to see (Y/N) smiling at her.
(Y/N): You still got the shakes?
She had a smile when he sat down but when he said that her smile dropped, she looked down at her drink and slowly nodded her head, (Y/N) felt bad for her... there was once apon a time (Y/N) was scared of Venom.
(Y/N): Look, the only thing to fear, is fear itself... it's not an emotion, it's a state of mind...
Wanda smiled at his words as she let out a chuckle.
Wanda: You know, sometimes you can be unbearable, but when you need to be... you always seem to be there to pick everyone up and dust them off...
This is the time of the conversation where (Y/N)makes jokes, he's already cheered her up and it's time to make her laugh, he leans over the table and takes her hat off her head.
Wanda: Hey! what are you doing?
(Y/N): Look, I'm a trained spy... you look sketchy as all hell.
Wanda: Say's the American Indiana Jones.
(Y/N): Please, I'm more of an Enrique Iglesias...
Wanda lets out a chuckle as (Y/N) tugs on the collar of his white button up shirt, (Y/N) was about to say something else but the duo are interrupted by a fossil on the radio.
Cap: (Radio) All right, what do you see?
Wanda went to respond but (Y/N) held his hand up telling her to stop, (Y/N) then takes her comms out his ear and put it in his own.
(Y/N): I see dead people.
Cap: (L/N)? Doesn't matter, put Wanda back on.
(Y/N) sighed and took out her comms.
(Y/N): Waste of a good joke.
Wanda giggled as she put in her comms and took one more look around.
Wanda: Standard beat cops. Small station. Quiet street. It's a good target.
(Y/N) just sat back as he didn't have an comms piece, he isn't supposed to be here you see, so he relaxed as Venom used his hearing ability (I forgot to add that into the updated Bio) to hear the conversation.
Cap: There's an ATM on the south corner, which means?
Wanda: Cameras.
(Y/N): Bingo.
Wanda smiled at him as Steve continued.
Cap: Both cross streets are one-way
Wanda: So, compromised escape routes.
Cap: Means our guy doesn't care about being seen. He isn't afraid to make a mess on the way out. You see that Range Rover halfway up the block?
Wanda: Yeah, the red one? It's cute.
(Y/N): Thanks I shaved this morning... oh, you meant the car
Wanda chuckled as Nat made her presents known.
Nat: It's also bulletproof, which means private security, which means more guns...which means more headaches for somebody. Probably us.
Wanda and (Y/N) looks over to her as Nat keeps on looking elsewhere.