Chapter - 17

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(This is the finale chapter of Iron Man 3, I hope you all enjoyed this part of the story... now enough talk let's do this)


(Y/N) and Rebecca are at the dock where Killian is supposed to be with Pepper, (Y/N) and Rebecca hide behind cover so they didn't get spotted by any of the guards patrolling the dock, (Y/N) was about to run to another part of cover, till Rebecca pulled him back, and good thing to as a guard came out a door nearby and if (Y/N) ran to the cover he would have been spotted, the two waited for the guard to go away and after a few minutes he finally did.

The two made their way closer and closer to the main part of the dock where the control building is.

(Y/N): That's where Killian has to be keeping Pepper.

Rebecca: Ok, so what's the plan?

(Y/N): You and I, kill Killian and save Pepper as Tony and James saves the President.

Rebecca: Ok, but why isn't Tony saving Pepper and we save the President?

(Y/N): Because, Venom and Toxin are more killing then saving, plus Venom gets to eat more heads this way...

Rebecca: What you like it when he does that?

(Y/N) finally looked at her instead of watching for patrol.

(Y/N): What? No, but you get used to it after a while... it's not ecstatically something you learn to love.

(Y/N) then turned back around to see the cost clear, the two Symbiotes continued to make their way to where they hope Pepper is waiting for them, (Y/N) and Rebecca make there way through the guards killing them without a second thought, (Y/N) also took note that Rebecca has taking to this lifestyle very well, she went from a reporter to a killer ghost in a year, Rebeca and (Y/N) finally got to the place where Killian is keeping all of the test subjects, some were waiting to get the injection as others were waiting for it to except them.

(Y/N): Peppers not here... let's keep moving.

Rebecca: What about these people?

(Y/N): They all signed up for this... if they die, they die.

(Y/N) then noticed a ship with the lights on, but the ship isn't in use, eventually Rebecca caught up to (Y/N) and (Y/N)pointed to the top of the crane.

(Y/N): There... that's where he's keeping her.

(Y/N) was about to run off, but Rebecca stopped him.

Rebecca: How do you know?

(Y/N): What?... you're asking to many questions, let's just kill this guy already.

 (Y/N) ran off toward the crane dispatching of any guards in his way, Rebecca just watched him killing the guards.

Toxin: I believe Venom is corrupting his mind.

Rebecca: What? Why would he do that?

Toxin: Carnage is the spawn of Venom... Venom feels he is to blame for Carnage...

Rebecca: Which is why Venom neglected (Y/N) for so long...

Toxin: Venom and (Y/N) have a connection I have never seen before, but nothing will stop Venom form destroying Carnage...

Rebecca: So we ever need to try and stop him or stay out of his way.

Toxin: You haven't seen what Venom's capable of, have you?

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