(Y/N), Rebecca, Clint and Nat are driving throw the snow towards the location of Loki's sceptre, Nat's driving as Rebecca is sat in the front passenger seat waiting for her and Toxin's que to go and wreck shit, Clint is sat in the back checking his arrows as (Y/N) sat opposite him checking his assault rifle wearing his Agent Venom gear.
Clint: So, Venom's Okay now?
(Y/N): Not really, I got his strength and speed back, but him protecting me from the heat hurt him pretty badly.
Nat: But he's okay, right?
(Y/N): I hope so...
Nat keeps on driving till Cap pulls up next to them on his bike.
Cap: Get ready, were nearly there...
(Y/N): Aye Aye, Captain.
Iron Man then flies above them as shit starts, Steve drives off to separate themselves, you know the whole divided and conquer thing... Rebecca takes this as her que and let's Toxin go nuts on the guards now shooting at them, (Y/N) puts his helmet on and loads his gun and starts to shoot as Clint does the same, Nat keeps on driving through explosions and past bullets as one of Strucker's guards with a jetpack on fly's to her side of the car and Nat kicks it into the guard destroying the jet pack and taking him out the fight, then another one lands on the back of the car only to receive a powerful kick from (Y/N).
For a second it dies down as Clint, Nat and (Y/N) all share a look and Clint smiles.
Clint: Just like old times...
Their share a quick laugh till a vehicle with a massive pulse cannon pulls up alongside them and is about to fire, (Y/N) get's ready to jump onto the vehicle and rip the cannon off, but Thor beats him to it, as Thor pulls the guy out the seat and throws him in to air, (Y/N) shoot's the guy killing him, the two share a nod as Thor jumps from the truck onto a nearby guard tower and easily takes it out, Thor then get's ambushed by two guards with jet packs but he easily deals with them as he spartan kicks the first then just simply throws the other a long way away, he then lands and starts to go hand to hand with a few of the guards, but before he can get overwhelmed Cap speeds past as he takes one out and drags another with him.
Cap throws the guard into two other guards taking them out the fight, Cap grabs his shield and throws it at another guard which then ricochets off another 5 guards before returning to him, Cap then joins the road once again and is about to be crushed by a tank, but Thor intercepts and send it's nose into the ground making the underside visible to a strike for Iron Man, Iron Man shots a rocket into it making it fly into Hulks grasp, Hulk throws it and takes out two guards as Nat drive past him.
(Y/N): Show off.
Clint: What?
(Y/N): Nothing.
Nat then drives into a barrier making the trio fly out the car and into awaiting guards as Thor joins them along with, Cap on his bike, Iron Man and Hulk as soon as they land Nat and (Y/N) work together in unison to take out the other guards as Clint shots them with his arrows.
(Y/N): Where's Bex?
The three of them look around and don't see her anywhere, this kinda worried (Y/N) but he did train her for this sort of thing so she should be okay... right?...
Iron Man flies to the main fortress on top of the mountain, only to hit into the force field surrounding the base.
Iron Man: Shit!