Chapter 31 (Endgame)

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It's been a few weeks since the snap and the team hasn't stopped their search for Thanos and his big purple ass, (Y/N) is quietly sat behind the main desk in the conference room as he hasn't really said a word since that day, he has rage and guilt rushing through him and no one to let it out on, he's lost two of the people he loves and he doesn't even know if his father is okay, but that was going to answered for him shortly when a rumbling came from outside, he got up and ran outside like everyone else to see what it was and once they all got outside they looked up to see a ship no one recognised slowly landing on their front lawn, the weird thing is it seemed to be being carried by a blonde women who was on fire.

(Y/N), Steve, Rhodes, Bruce and Nat all went approached the landing ship as Pepper was already waiting for the ship to land, it was then put on the grass by the blonde fire lady, the door then opened and (Y/N) saw his father being helped by a blue women, (Y/N) didn't care as he ran and heled his father down the steps of the ship.

Once Tony was on the ground he hugged (Y/N) and (Y/N) hugged back whilst apologising over and over as tears started to leave his eyes, Tony let (Y/N) go and looked at him.

Tony: It's okay, we all failed.

Steve then came over and helped Tony as Steve took Tony towards Pepper.

Tony: Couldn't stop him.

Steve: Neither could I.

Tony: Hang on.

Tony and Steve came to a stop as they looked to each other and (Y/N) looked to the women that helped his father.

(Y/N): Thank you.

Carol: My pleasure.

The two shared a smile as (Y/N) wiped his tears away and looked back at his father to see him and Pepper hugging, they then left towards the building as (Y/N) turned and walked in the opposite direction.

Carol: Where are you going?

(Y/N) didn't answer as he just kept on going and going leaving Carol in the dark as he disappeared into the night, carol just let him be as she joined the others in the conference room as Rhodes explained the situation.

Rhodes: It's been 23 days since Thanos came to Earth.

Many holograms of people that went missing in the snap started to flash in front of them, Sam Wilson, Buck Barnes, Erik Selvig are just a few names on that list.

Nat: World governments are in pieces. The parts that are still working... are trying to take a census and it looks like he did... He did exactly what he said he was gonna do. Thanos wiped out... 50% of all living creatures.

Everyone took in what they were just told, no one noticing the absence of a symbiote.

Tony: Where is he now? Where?

Steve: We don't know. He just opened a portal and walked through.

Tony sighs in his wheelchair as he looks around the room and his eyes land of Thor, who is sat on his own beating himself up about all of this mess.

Tony: What's up with him?

Rocket: Oh, he's pissed He thinks he failed. Which, of course, he did... but there's a lot of that going around, ain't there?

Tony: Honestly, until this exact second  I thought you were a Build-A-Bear.

Rocket: Maybe I am.

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